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dc.contributor.advisorYu, Ming Chungen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Chia Huien_US
dc.creatorLiu, Chia Huien_US
dc.description.abstractThe actual implementation of switch-classroom, student-chosen English electives had been a challenging task in most of the senior high schools in Taiwan. Although the existing literature has pointed out both contextual and personal barriers to such practices, there has been lack of teachers’ participation and related studies devoted to understanding these practitioners’ views which many educational experts believe can contribute to further and deeper understanding of the various aspects of curriculum design. Therefore, this research aims to explore English teachers’ views and practices in the implementation of English electives by focusing on a senior high school English teacher’s first-time experience of teaching an elective, News English, throughout a semester. The methods employed in this qualitative research include three periodical periodical interviews, post-class interviews, teacher’s reflective journals, class observation, and document collection. The main study spanned from September 2011 to January 2012. By coding, triangulation, description, and interpretation, the research had the following findings: (1) the teacher participant overall viewed English electives as a positive teaching and learning experience as well as a feasible practice in senior high school, (2) with adaptation strategies regarding English teaching and class management in place, most of the contextual and inside-classroom challenges could be smoothly tackled and new teaching possibilities be experimented with, and (3) the existing difficulties included students’ low motivation in choosing electives and other operational problems such as confusion in administrative work, assessment and grading, class interaction, and the impact of entrance examination. These findings generate more discussions on issues regarding teaching English in an elective, including how the teacher participant’s approval of the values of the elective and her need for professional enhanced her adaption to this new teaching scenario while she simultaneously faced dilemmas such as the impacts of changing circumstances in the implementation of electives and the balance between desire for change/growth and fear for increased workload. Other issues also deserving attention include whether the novel experience of teaching English in an elective rather than a required course can have longer and deeper impact, the possibility of an English elective in senior high school heading for content-driven instruction, and how teachers can deal with the ever-present influence of entrance examinations in an elective aimed to widen the scopes of teaching and learning English. The research then brings forward two suggestions: teachers expanding upon the alternative experience to explore more possibilities of teaching English and school administrations strengthening and incorporating all resources to help make the implementation of electives run more smoothly. It is also expected that more research can be devoted to further explore the impact of entrance examinations on implementing English electives in senior high school, and understand the learning needs of elective takers from students’ point of view.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsTABLE OF CONTENTS\n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv\nTABLE OF CONTENTS v\nCHINESE ABSTRACT vi\nENGLISH ABSTRACT vii\n\nCHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1\nBackground and motivation 1\nPurpose of the study 4\nSignificance of the study 5\nCHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 7\nCurriculum Reform 7\nMore flexibility in senior high school curriculum 7\nThe implementation of electives 8\nImplementation of English electives in senior high schools: a challenging task 9\nContextual factors 9\nTeaching English in an elective 9\nBackdrop: From EGP to ESP 10\nElectives in senior high: Content-driven or Language-driven? 11\n\nThe need to explore teachers` views and practices: at the classroom level 12\nThe complexity of teachers’ receptivity to curriculum change 12\nWhat held back teachers in Taiwan? 14\nLack of qualitative data at classroom level 15\nResearch Questions 17\nCHAPTER THREE: MATHODOLOGY 19\nSetting of the case 19\nParticipant 20\nData collection method 22\nInterviews 22\nClassroom Observation 24\nTeacher’s reflective journals 26\nDocument Collection 27\nData collection procedure 28\nPilot study 28\nMain study 29\nData analysis 31\nCoding 31\nTriangulation 32\nDescription 33\nThe researcher’s role 34\n\nCHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS 35\nFindings 35\nBrenda’ views on the implementation of English electives 35\nCurriculum design 35\nGoals of English electives 39\nImpacts on teachers 40\nImpacts on students 45\nBrenda’s practice of teaching an English elective 47\nPromoting students’ learning motivation 47\nClass management 50\nDealing with an unfamiliar classroom and its facility 53\nPlanning working time and schedule 55\nDesigning and preparing for the elective 57\nConstraints and difficulties Brenda faced in teaching an English elective 63\nStudents’ low motivation in choosing English electives 63\nConfusion caused by administrative work 65\nAssessment and grading 67\nThe teacher’s role in participating in English electives 70\nTeacher-student and peer student interaction 70\nThe impact of entrance examination 72\n\nAnswers to the three research questions 73\nResearch Question 1 73\nResearch Question 2 75\nResearch Question 3 77\nCHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION 79\nTeachers’ participation in the implementation of English electives 79\nAdaptation to curriculum change 79\nFavorable factors 81\nApproval of the core value 82\nNeed for professional growth 83\nDilemma 84\nA hard-won battle or a lucky victory? 85\nFear of increased workload v s Desire for change and growth 86\nTeaching an English elective: critical issues 88\nTeaching an elective rather than a required course 89\nA novel experience or long-term practice? 89\nDifficulty in evaluation: what and how 90\nElective as a course or a not-a-required-course? 91\nTeaching English in an elective 91\nTowards content-driven instruction? 91\nThe impact of entrance examinations 94\n\nCHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION 97\nSummary of the major findings 97\nImplications 99\nLimitations 100\nSuggestions for future research 100\nReferences 102\nAppendixes 107zh_TW
dc.format.extent11725457 bytes-
dc.subjectsenior high school Englishen_US
dc.subjectcurriculum revolutionen_US
dc.titleSenior High School Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices in English Electives: A Case Studyen_US
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