
Showing 26-49 of 49
Date Title Type Full Text
2010-07 The Making of Undocumented Im/migrants: the case of Taiwan conference
2010-06 Lucie與社發所做為批判知識分子再生產機制的想像 conference 說明頁(42)
2009-03 The Tug-of-War over ‘Multiculturalism’: Contestation between Governing and Empowering Immigrants in Taiwan conference
2008-09 知識介入與移民/工運動的推進 conference
2008-08 When the Victims Become the Heroines for Themselves: The Making of Grassroots Migrant Domestic Workers Movement in Hong Kong conference pdf(76)
2008-06 Foreign Brides and Immigration Control conference
2008-02 The Making of Transnationalist Grassroots Migrant Movement in Hong Kong conference pdf(63)
2007-11 Beyond Victimization: The Empowerment of Marriage Migrants in Resisting Globalization conference 說明頁(51)
2007-10 Prospects and Impasse of Multicultural Citizenship in Globalization Era: The Case of Immigrants Movement in Taiwan conference 說明頁(33)
2007-07 Transnationalism from Below: the Case Study of Asian Migrants Coordinating Body conference 說明頁(58)
2007-07 從解決個人需求到社區整體發展:以臺灣客家農村社會工作的經驗為例 conference
2007-06 Race, Class and International Division of Labor: Exploring Taiwanese Racism conference
2007-05 Empowering Immigrant Women through Advocacy and Organizing conference
2006-09 Globalization and Resistance: the Case of Empowering conference
2006-08 Double-edged Sword of Multiculturalism: the Impacts of Multiculturalism Education Policy on Chinese Immigrant Families conference
2005-12 新移民運動的形成:差異政治、主體化與社會性運動 conference
2005-06 Building a movement against Globalization: the Case of ‘Foreign Brides’ in Taiwan conference pdf(23)
2005-06 Empowering ‘Foreign Brides’ and Community Through Action Research conference 說明頁(20)
2005-05 The path model of school life of the second generation of transnational marriages in Taiwan: implications for conversion of economic capitals to cultural capitals conference
2004-12 Prospects and Impasse of Multicultural Citizenship in Globalization Era: the Case of Immigrants Movement in Taiwan conference
2004-11 理解劣勢女性的敘事:以台灣的「外籍新娘」為例 conference
2004-08 Globalization and the ‘Foreign Brides’: Structures and Resistance conference 說明頁(10)
2004-07 Globalization and Poverty: Root Causes and Current Situations of Southeast Asian Women’s Marriage Migration to Taiwan conference
2004-06 資本國際化與跨國婚姻:結構與反抗 conference