
Showing 1-25 of 42
Date Title Type Full Text
2011-06 Religious Participation in Taiwanese Democracy conference
2011-05 台灣宗教的政黨傾向 conference
2010-06 Religion and Political Conservatism in Taiwan conference
2009-06 Religion and Political Value in China and Taiwan since 2000 conference
2009-04 兩岸宗教與政治態度之比較研究 conference
2008-06 Democratic Religion and the State in Taiwan conference
2008-05 Politics and Business under the DPP:Restructuring State-Business Institutional Relations in Taiwan conference
2006-09 Christianity and Democracy in Asian Pluralist Religious Markets: Taiwan and South Korea conference
2006-06 Three Typologies of Public Religions conference
2005-08 Religious Factors in Taiwanese Democracy conference
2005-01 When Taiwanese Religions Meet Democracy conference
2004-09 Religion and Democracy in Taiwan: A Statistical Analysis conference
2004-06 Crafting the Industrial Policy Network in the Digital Age conference
2004-05 Networking Governance of e-Taiwan Policy conference
2004-04 Confucianism Religion and Democratization in Taiwan conference
2003-11 Democratization and Financial Reform in Taiwan conference pdf(2223)
2003 回應『第四代接班後的中國』 conference
2003 The Fungus policy network in Taiwan`s Internet Industry conference
2003 政治經濟學的發展與趨勢 conference
2003 宗教容忍:政治哲學與神學的對話 conference pdf(1002)
2002-01 The Transformation of Crony Capitalism: Mixed Reforms of the Financial Institutions conference
2001-01 民主的宗教基礎:新制度論的分析 conference
2000 基督教倫理與民主制度發展:從美國經驗看台灣 conference
2000 新制度論與政治經濟學 conference
2000 Globalization and the Adjustment of Financial Institutions:Taiwan Thailand and Malaysia conference