
Showing 51-75 of 107
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2008-08 Lottery Markets Design Micro-Structure and Macro-Behavior: An ACE Approach article pdf(1100)
2008-06 On the Plausibility of Sunspot Equilibria: Simulations based on agent-based artificial stock markets article pdf(1050)
2008 Software-Agent Designs in Economics: An Interdisciplinary Framework article 說明頁(1072)
2008 Network Topology of an Experimental Futures Exchange article pdf(1300)
2008 The Future of Agent-Based Research in Economics article pdf(1151)
2008 Genetic Programming: An Emerging Engineering Tool article pdf(1082)
2008 On Predictability and Profitability: Would GP Induced Trading Rules Be Sensitive to the Observed Entropy of Time Series? article 說明頁(931)
2007-06 以決策樹之迴歸樹建構住宅價格模型--臺灣地區之實證分析 article pdf(3204)
2007-03 Computationally Intelligent Agents in Economics and Finance article pdf(980)
2006-07 On the Selection of Adaptive Algorithms in ABM:A Computational Equivalence Approach article pdf(1087)
2006-06 Network Topologies and Comsumption Externalities article pdf(1255)
2006-06 Network Topologies and Comsumption Externalities article
2006-06 自動化創新管理:演化計算方法的應用 article pdf(794)
2006 Graphs Networks and ACE article pdf(1253)
2006 A robust adaptive control with unmodeled dynamic for HVDC transmission systems article 說明頁(907)
2006 Stock Trend Analysis and Trading Strategy article pdf(584)
2006 Republication: On the Selection of Adaptive Algorithms in ABM: A Computational-Equivalence Approach article pdf(525)
2005-07 廠商創新與仿冒行為的演化--代理人基模型模擬與分析 article pdf(1302)
2005-02 Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance:Carrying on the Legacy of Herbert Simon article pdf(1205)
2005-02 Agent-Based Computational Modeling of the Stock Price-Volume Relation article pdf(1265)
2005 Special Issue on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance article pdf(848)
2005 Graphs and Network Economics article 說明頁(1149)
2005 Agent-based modeling of lottery markets with the expected-utility paradigm article 說明頁(1232)
2005 Innovate or Imitate? Who Survives? Who Benefits? Agent-Based Modeling of a Technology-Driven Competitive Industry article pdf(533)
2005 Computational economics: A perspective from computational intelligence article 說明頁(1121)