
Showing 1-25 of 35
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2022-08 淺談碳定價措施立法中的豁免與減免規定 article 說明頁(124)
2022-04 全球碳定價與碳邊境調整措施之推動現況與趨勢 article 說明頁(115)
2018-12 Facilitating linkage between/amongst emissions trading systems via free trade agreement article 說明頁(470)
2018-03 巴黎協定對排放權交易制度之連結所可能帶來之影響:由下而上或由上而下的管制工具? article pdf(507)
2017-03 The role of governance in bilateral and national climate change financial mechanisms article 說明頁(505)
2016-03 氣候法律2.0:聯合國氣候變化綱要公約第二十一次締約方大會與巴黎協議 article 說明頁(473)
2015-12 天助自助者?國家基金作為氣候變遷之財務機制的 article pdf(446)
2015-04 排放權交易制度於臺灣之推動現況以及可能引發之法律爭議 article 說明頁(746)pdf(382)
2015 A Complaint System under the Climate Change Financial Mechanism: Using the GEF and the CDM as Examples article 說明頁(1717)pdf(930)
2012.09 Legal nature of the traded units under the emissions trading systems and its implication to the relationship between emissions trading and the WTO article pdf(1266)
2012.08 A Comparative Study on Marine Protected Area Legislations in Taiwan and China article pdf(1461)
2012.07 能源稅與碳稅之邊境稅調整措施—以GATT/WTO之合致性為主要討論對象 article pdf(991)
2011.11 Financial Mechanisms for Climate Change: Lessons from the Reform Experiences of the IMF article pdf(572)
2011.04 初探納入航空業之歐盟排放權交易制度與其他國際法義務的互動關係 article pdf(3446)
2010-06 「人類共同遺產」原則與「共有資源」管理--概念定位與制度要素之比較研究 article 說明頁(886)
2010-06 The Principle of Common Heritage of Mankind and the Management of Common Pool Resources ― A Comparative Study on the Concepts and the Institutional Designs article pdf(283)
2009-11 溫室氣體減量法草案簡評--以排放權交易為主要分析對象 article 說明頁(616)
2009 Energy Security, GATT/WTO, and Regional Agreements article pdf(542)
2008-10 由交易單位之法律性質重新檢視排放權交易制度與WTO之關係 article pdf(961)
2007-10 能源安全、GATT/WTO與區域/自由貿易協定 article 說明頁(909)
2007-06 由「片面宣言之效力」與「禁反言原則」於WTO爭端案件之適用論我國片面遵守環保公約之政策 (下) article 說明頁(805)
2006-12 國際環境公約下之處理不遵約機制 article 說明頁(902)
2006-03 Trade and Environment Linkages and Challenges Facing Asian WTO Members article
2006-03 由「片面宣言之效力」與「禁反言原則」於WTO爭端案件中之適用論我國片面遵守國際環境公約之政策(上) article 說明頁(1030)
2005-09 Free Trade Agreements and the Environment: Some Implications to Taiwan article pdf(206)