
Showing 1-5 of 5
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2021-09 以財稅資料分析台灣不動產稅制公平性 article 說明頁(101)
2021-08 Which Families Benefited from the Recent Personal Income Tax Reform in Taiwan: Evidence from the Administrative Data. article 說明頁(281)
2019-12 Respect Breeds Integrity and Incompetence Incites Deception: A Lab Experiment on How Taxpayers are Treated and the Competence of the Tax Authority article pdf(327)
2019-01 Living arrangement and caregiving expectation: the effect of residential proximity on inter vivos transfer article 說明頁(108)
2017-12 從美國經驗探討台灣長期照護制度改革 article 說明頁(132)
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