
Showing 1-25 of 28
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 Time and Movement in Narrative Space conference pdf(116)
2023-03 送別最後一段──病‧死的她者敘事 conference pdf(88)
2019-12 Bridging a Comparison among Contemporary Japanese, South Korean, and Taiwanese Women’s Literature conference pdf(198)
2018-11 小說如何造鎮? conference
2017-10 台灣小說的基本面 conference
2011-06 Two Golden Ages of Taiwanese Women`s Fiction conference
2010-11 南國,再現中國:戰後台灣的空間改造 conference
2009-09 後山與前哨:東部和離島書寫 conference
2009-03-01 台灣當代區域小說 conference
2008-10-01 頹廢與頹圮的城郭──白先勇短篇小說論 conference
2008-01-01 City and the Form of Taiwanese Fiction of 80s conference
2006-10-01 當代台灣小說的「南部」書寫 conference
2006-09-01 台灣小說裡的愛情論述 conference
2005-10-01 七○年代鄉土小說的「土」生土長 conference
2005-04-01 The Sense of Place in Hwang Chun-ming’s Fiction conference
2004-12-01 逃離與依違--《何日君再來》的空間、飲食與文化身分 conference
2003-10-01 放風男子與兒童樂園 conference
2002-11-01 京派‧伍爾芙‧台灣首航 conference
2002-10-01 The Reception and Influences of Modernism: On Taiwanese Women’s Fiction conference
2002-05-01 兩岸‧女性‧酒吧裡的願景 conference
2001-09-01 扳轉時空魔術方塊─九○年代女性小說 conference
2000-11-14 嫁出國的女兒─海外女作家的母國情結 conference
2000-10-01 如何收編林海音 conference
1998-10-01 合縱連橫─五十年代台灣小說 conference
1998-08-01 From Homogeneity to Heterogeneity: Women’s Literature in Contemporary Taiwan conference