
Showing 1-25 of 44
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-08 Worldview Matters: Xi Jinping’s Conflict-based Worldview and Its Implications conference
2023-07 十九大之後中共涉港體系的組織與人事調整:以組織路線確保政治路線的實現 conference 說明頁(84)
2023-03 2023年國務院機構改革 conference
2022-10 以組織路線確保政治路線的實現:中共調整治港戰略後的涉港人事佈局(2017-2022) conference pdf(214)
2022-06 習近平和他的中國:政治領袖眼中的政治 conference pdf(169)
2022-06 散佈希望與不安的種籽:習近平話語中「和平發展」與「百年未有之大變局」的信號效應 conference 說明頁(88)
2021-11 中共十九屆六中全會通過第三份歷史決議的意涵 conference
2021-10 The Reshaping of the Chinese Party-state under Xi Jinping’s Rule: A Strong State Led by a Political Strongman conference 說明頁(111)
2019-09 The Evolution of the Chinese Party-state in the Xi Jinping Era conference 說明頁(310)
2019-09 Xi Jinping`s Personality and Political Manipulation conference 說明頁(313)
2018-07 Xi Jinping’s Political Personality and Leadership Style conference pdf(375)
2013.04 IIR and the Development of China Studies in Taiwan conference pdf(1145)
2012-06 社會經濟變遷下的中國大陸政權特性:兩岸黨國體制的比較 conference
2012-04 中共十八大政治局常委的可能人選 conference
2012-04 社會經濟變遷下的中國大陸政權特性:兩岸黨國體制的比較 conference 說明頁(1355)
2012-03 Chinese Leaders of the Fifth Generation and Their Decision-making Style conference
2011-11 Electoral Authoritarianism in the Third Wave of Democratization: Concepts and Regime Trajectories conference 說明頁(1631)pdf(7119)
2011-11 新型態威權主義:概念與政權演變的再檢驗 conference pdf(1143)
2011-06 省級政治改革模式的相異:四川與廣東的個案比較 conference
2011-03 從1980年代末期以後中共領導人的甄補特徵看第五代領導人接班 conference
2010-09-18 解放軍領導人的政治流動:專業化與制度化的影響 conference 說明頁(940)
2010-09 解放軍領導人的政治流動:專業化與制度化的影響 conference
2010-03 邁向權力核心之路:中共文人領袖的政治流動及其意涵 conference
2009-10 Beyond Redness and Expertise: Party Experience and Career Path of Political Elites in China conference
2009-01 『黨內民主』的發展與侷限:以幹部甄補為例 conference