
Showing 1-24 of 24
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-07 The Effect of Higher Education Expansion on Subjective Social Status in Taiwan: A Mechanism-Based APC Analysis conference
2023-06 The Effect of Parent-Child Discrepancies in Educational Expectation on Adolescents' Mental Health in Taiwan conference 說明頁(99)
2023-04 The Impact of Higher Education Expansion on Subjective Social Status in Taiwan: A Mechanism-Based APC Analysis conference pdf(105)
2022-09 實(食)物銀行全台供、需評估研究成果分享 conference
2022-08 The Impact of Higher Expansion on Young Adults` Subjective Social Status in Taiwan conference 說明頁(471)
2022-08 The Relationship Between Family SES and Junior High Students` Patterns of Cram Schooling in Taiwan: Compensatory Advantage and Beyond conference
2022-06 The Relationship Between Family SES and Junior High Students` Patterns of Cram Schooling in Taiwan: Compensatory Advantage and Beyond conference
2022-04 What they gain from college is more than money: the college expansion impact on young adults` subjective social status in Taiwan conference 說明頁(172)
2021-04 金融海嘯對台灣年輕世代生命歷程之影響: 以TEPS-B CP、SH樣本為例 conference pdf(163)
2021.03 The Transition to Adulthood The Case of the Millennial Generation in Taiwan conference
2019-08 Using Propensity Scores and Inverse Probability Weighting to Reduce Bias Related to Sample Attrition in Analyzing Longitudinal Data: Examples Based on Taiwan Education Panel Survey and its Follow-Up Surveys conference
2019-06 Effects of the Duration and Trajectories of Cram Schooling on High School Students’ Academic Achievement and Mental Health conference
2015-09 Peer Effects of Cram Schooling on Academic Achievement of Junior High Students in Taiwan conference pdf(899)
2013.11 誰上研究所? 2009年TEPS-B電訪資料之分析 conference pdf(777)
2013.03 The Effects of Tracking on Academic Achievement: Evidence from Junior High Students in Taiwan conference 說明頁(1585)
2005-05 Class Identification in Taiwan: A Latent Class Analysis conference
2005 寧靜革命:台灣社會價值觀的變化 conference pdf(9810)
2004-05 Educational Achievement and Family Structure : Evidence from Two Cohorts of Adolescents in Taiwan conference pdf(3974)
2004-05 Family in the Making of Educational Inequality: A Comparative Analysis of Taiwan and the U. S. conference pdf(2797)
2003-11 臺灣社會民眾的階級認同:潛在類別分析 conference pdf(4083)
2003-10 寧靜革命:臺灣社會價值觀的變化 conference
2003-07 家庭結構對學生學習的影響─多層次分析 conference
2003-07 Handling Interpersonal Disputes: Adolescents Attitudes towards Conflict Resolution in Taiwan conference
2002-10 青少年以對立性方式處理人際糾紛之研究 conference
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