
Showing 1-25 of 53
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-05 Using Space-L complex network model for public transportation supply and demand analysis in Taipei metropolitan area article 說明頁(13)
2023-01 A Study on the Economic Resilience of Industrial Parks article 說明頁(130)
2022-06 包容式TOD評估指標在地化之研擬與應用 article 說明頁(16)
2022-04 台灣城市街道適步行性評估研究 article 說明頁(14)
2021-06 雙北市共同工作空間使用行為及需求特性之研究 article 說明頁(11)
2020-06 產業園區智慧化評估與發展策略之研究:以編定工業區為例 article pdf(219)
2018-05 Planning Strategy for Green Transit Oriented Development Using A Multi-objecitve Planning Model article pdf(254)
2018-01 Research on eco-efficiency of industrial parks in Taiwan article pdf(232)
2017-06 軌道車站風險溝通與應變行為之探究 article pdf(168)
2017-04 The Tenure Choice Behavior of MRT Joint Development Housing in Taipei article pdf(685)
2017 Prospects for Sub-Regional Cooperation in Fujian and Taiwan from Perspective of Urban Planning System:A Case Study of Pingtan Experimental Area article pdf(369)
2017 Editorial introduction: Special issue on "BIM and VR technology" article pdf(396)
2016 Editorial introduction : Special Issue on “Urban and Regional Sustainability in China” article pdf(534)
2016 Study of performance assessment for urban renewal project in Taipei City article pdf(499)
2016 Editorial Introduction : Special Issue on “Environmental Planning” article pdf(465)
2016 Editorial introduction : Special Issue on "Infrastructure and Transportation Planning" article pdf(480)
2015-11 歷年來高速公路系統沿線地區人口及產業空間分布變遷之研究 article pdf(657)
2015-07 災害治理與直轄市洪災調適策略評估 article pdf(555)
2015-04 A Study on Promotion Mechanisms and the Future of Government-led Urban Renewal Projects from the Perspective of Land Ethics article pdf(810)
2015-04 User Behaviour Analysis of the Public Bike System in Taipei article 說明頁(908)
2014-12 大眾運輸導向建成環境特性對捷運運量影響之研究-以臺北捷運為實證對象 article pdf(554)
2014-04 A Study on Promotion Mechanism and Future of Government-led Urban Renewal Project from the Perspective of Land Ethic article pdf(416)
2014-03 屏東縣氣候變遷土地使用領域調適計畫推動機制分析 article pdf(784)
2013.12 日本部落地區之人權社區營造─淺香町的案例 article pdf(708)
2013.12 公辦都市更新案推動策略與未來:以內政部營建署的運作為例 article pdf(957)