
Showing 1-25 of 146
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2018-06 Predicting the failures of prediction markets: A procedure of decision making using classification models article pdf(595)
2016-08 The Wisdom of Crowds in Action: Forecasting Epidemic Diseases with a Web-based Prediction Market System article pdf(785)
2016-06 The Economicization of Cross-Strait Relationship: The Impact of Cross-Strait Economic Relationship on the 2012 Presidential Election in Taiwan article 說明頁(741)
2015-10 判定預測市場之準確度:單一與合併鑑別模型之比較 article pdf(696)
2015-08 Using prediction markets of market scoring rule to forecast infectious diseases: a case study in Taiwan article pdf(830)
2015-07 User adoption of wisdom of crowd: usage and performance of prediction market system article 說明頁(942)pdf(615)
2015 影響選舉預測市場準確度的因素 —以2008-2010年未來事件交易所的選舉資料為例 article pdf(671)
2014-12 中國因應全球氣候變遷之政策與成效評估 article pdf(571)
2014-09 選舉預測市場之選前鑑別模型: 以最高價準則為門檻 article pdf(879)
2014-05 Development of a Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement article pdf(793)
2014-05 Development of a Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement: Strategy, Review, and Outlook article pdf(845)
2014 “凍結臺獨黨綱”取決蔡英文 article pdf(762)
2013.12 Multivariate Methods in Assessing the Accuracy of the Highest-price Criterion on Prediction Markets article pdf(1377)
2013.12 The Development of a Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement: Strategy, Review and Outlook article pdf(1165)
2013-12 以預測市場匯聚資訊支援決策之方法:從機率預測到類別判定 article pdf(1035)
2013.11 首屆「兩岸和平論壇」之解讀 article pdf(1656)
2013.09 兩岸服務貿易協議的利弊得失 article pdf(1002)
2013.07 臺灣與東亞區域整合 article 說明頁(1143)
2013.07 中國大陸金融情勢展望 article pdf(948)
2013-07 台灣與東亞區域整合 article 說明頁(784)
2013.06 Does China Really Say No? The Impact of International Political Pressure on China’s Exchange Rate Policy article 說明頁(1360)
2013.02 台灣在亞太區域經濟整合新秩序下的挑戰與策略 article pdf(980)
2013 兩岸經濟合作的政治困境 article 說明頁(999)
2012.12 習李體制登場 內部議題優先 article pdf(851)
2012-12 The Estimation of Aggregate Statistic s of Taiwan-invested Enterprises in China: 1988-2008 article 說明頁(1278)