
Showing 1-11 of 11
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2019-10 賦權及其極限?後女性主義、社群媒體與自拍 article pdf(231)
2019-06 「只是性感,不是放蕩」: 社群媒體女性自拍文化的象徵性劃界實踐 article pdf(207)
2018-10 New media, expectant motherhood, and transnational families: power and resistance in birth tourism from Taiwan to the United States article pdf(430)
2017-06 Diasporic sociality online: a rising ICT-dependent networking culture and its work-life boundaries article 說明頁(391)
2017 Bricolage in the urban cultural sector: the case of Bradford City of Film article pdf(553)
2016-06 The digitization of diaspora engagement: managing extraterritorial talent using the internet article pdf(330)
2016-06 Regulating Birth Tourism: The Flow from Taiwan to the United States article pdf(307)
2014-05 首相宅邸裡的瑪丹娜?英國報紙如何再現柴契爾與女性主義之間的關聯 article pdf(502)
2012.04 Gendered Media, Changing Intimacy: Internet-mediated Transnational Communication in the Family Sphere article pdf(1256)
2011.11 Online spatialisation and embodied experiences: the London-based Chinese professionals article pdf(1090)
2009.04 Homeland re-territorialized: revisiting the role of geographical places in the formation of diasporic identity in the digital age article pdf(1275)
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