
Showing 1-15 of 15
Date Title Type Full Text
2023-11 Generalization of category memberships is influenced by category accessibility in early training conference pdf(25)
2022-11 Elimination of continued influence effect of misinformation by strong causal explanation in updating information conference pdf(24)
2021-11 Category variability effect and single category based strategy in categorization conference pdf(101)
2021-07 Exemplar account for category variability effect: Single category based categorization conference 說明頁(160)
2020-11 Individual differences in categorization induced by focusing on exemplars of singular category conference pdf(93)
2019-11 Context-free knowledge partitioning in categorization conference pdf(745)
2019-11 Gender differences in topics of breakup posts on social media conference 說明頁(401)
2018-11 Category generalization in partial XOR category structure: Knowledge partitioning account conference pdf(130)
2018-11 Relationships between personality, online behaviors, and the performance in the Iowa gambling task on Facebook conference 說明頁(469)
2017-11 Gender difference in the style of describing breakup experiences on social media conference pdf(183)
2017-11 Individual differences in categorization strategy and working memory capacity conference 說明頁(320)
2016-11 A reference point explanation for XOR extrapolation in categorization with kernel methods conference pdf(177)
2016 人類蔬菜概念的類別結構:網路資料於心理學研究之範例 conference 說明頁(741)
2009.11 Agent-Based Modeling of Cognitive Double Auction Market Experiments conference pdf(1407)
2007-09 Demonstration of Cognitive Modeling in Categorization: Fitting two neural network models to the data from Yang and Lewandowsky (2003) study. article pdf(314)
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