
Showing 1-15 of 15
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2022-10 BANet: A Blur-aware Attention Network for Dynamic Scene Deblurring article 說明頁(119)
2022-07 Applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) to improve fire response activities article 說明頁(161)
2022-03 Underwater Image Enhancement Based on Histogram-Equalization Approximation Using Physics-Based Dichromatic Modeling article 說明頁(147)
2022-02 Single Image Reflection Removal Based on Knowledge-Distilling Content Disentanglement article 說明頁(101)
2022-01 A Fast Two-Stage Bilateral Filter Using Constant Time O(1) Histogram Generation article 說明頁(141)
2021-12 Two-Exposure Image Fusion Based on Optimized Adaptive Gamma Correction article 說明頁(87)
2021-10 Image Impulse Noise Removal Using Cascaded Filtering Based on Overlapped Adaptive Gaussian Smoothing and Convolutional Refinement Networks article 說明頁(93)
2021-09 Applying artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to implement a practical smart cage aquaculture management system article 說明頁(284)
2021-08 An Advanced Noise Reduction and Edge Enhancement Algorithm article pdf(247)
2021-06 Automatic Intermediate Generation With Deep Reinforcement Learning for Robust Two-Exposure Image Fusion article pdf(173)
2021-06 Two Exposure Fusion Using Prior-Aware Generative Adversarial Network article pdf(146)
2021-05 Image Denoising Using Adaptive and Overlapped Average Filtering and Mixed-Pooling Attention Refinement Networks article pdf(166)
2019-03 Image Haze Removal Using Airlight White Correction, Local Light Filter, and Aerial Perspective Prior article pdf(282)
2018-06 Generalization of the Dark Channel Prior for Single Image Restoration article pdf(154)
2017-02 Underwater Image Restoration based on Image Blurriness and Light Absorption article pdf(176)
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