
Showing 1-6 of 6
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-05 China’s Propaganda and Disinformation Operations in Taiwan: A Sharp Power Perspective article 說明頁(99)
2022-09 威權的跨境流動與消長:中國因素、雙重政商關係與臺灣媒體自我審查 article 說明頁(162)
2020-08 中國因素影響下臺灣媒體人的日常抵抗:對民主防衛的啟示 article pdf(199)
2019-05 Between American and Chinese Hegemonies: Economic Dependence, Norm Diffusion, and Taiwan’s Press Freedom article 說明頁(483)
2019-01 How Can Taiwan and the United States Fight China’s Sharp Power? From National Security to Human Security article pdf(236)
2017-01 The China Factor in Taiwan’s Media: Outsourcing Chinese Censorship Abroad article pdf(195)
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