
Showing 1-7 of 7
Date Title Type Full Text Scopus WOS Altmetric
2023-06 假訊息管制與言論自由的平衡: 美國網路中介責任的邊界探察與反思 article 說明頁(55)
2023-05 音樂創作的實質近似──以美國的關鍵判決為觀察 article 說明頁(128)
2022-02 Copyright Licensing and Regulation of China’s Music Market: Searching for Transactional Efficiency and Fair Compensation article 說明頁(248)
2021-11 數據驅動下的影音IP:權利保護與管制取徑 article 說明頁(132)
2020-12 Who Sets the Tone? Searching for Transactional Efficiency and Fair Compensation in China`s Music Market article 說明頁(214)
2018-07 Evolution in Copyright and Licensing Models: Snapshot from the U.S. and Mandarin Music Markets article pdf(245)
2018-06 Evolutions in Copyright and Licensing Models: Snapshots from the U.S. and Mandarin Music Markets article pdf(375)
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