
Showing 26-50 of 77
Date Title Type Full Text
2017-04 Predictors of personal recovery for persons with psychiatric disabilities:An examination of the Unity Model of Recovery article pdf(397)
2017-04 Predictors of personal recovery for persons with psychiatric disabilities: An examination of the Unity Model of Recovery article pdf(328)
2015-07 優勢觀點與精神障礙者之復元:駱駝進帳與螺旋上升 book/chapter 說明頁(955)pdf(1640)
2014.04 Implementing a strengths-based model in facilitating the recovery of persons with psychiatric disability article pdf(1526)
2014.01 台灣愛滋感染者權能增強影響因素之研究 article pdf(1063)
2013.11 婚姻暴力受暴婦女之處遇模式與成效—華人文化與經驗 book/chapter 說明頁(1580)
2013.06 The Association between the Utilisation of Empowerment Strategies and Clients’ Changes of Self in the Field of Intimate Partner Abuse: from the Perspective of Social Workers article pdf(978)
2012.12 高風險家庭關懷輔導方案之成效與影響要素 article 說明頁(1140)
2012-06 受暴婦女之復元與負向感受:輪廓與相關因素之初探 article pdf(1176)
2012.04 Service Utilization, Perceived Changes of Self, and Life Satisfaction Among Women Who Experienced Intimate Partner Abuse: The Mediation Effect of Empowerment article pdf(682)
2011.09 The Extent and Correlates of the Utilization of Empowerment Strategies: Survey on Social Workers in the Field of Partner Violence. article pdf(1217)
2011-09 The Extent and Correlates of the Utilisation of Empowerment Strategies:Survey on Social Workers in the Field of Partner Violence article pdf(1435)
2011.08 高風險家庭關懷輔導方案的回顧與展望 article 說明頁(1231)
2011.08 高風險家庭處遇模式之探究與建構 article 說明頁(1109)
2011 精神障礙者復元統合模式之驗證—復元階段量表發展與優勢觀點 (III) report pdf(1434)
2010-12 影響台灣精神疾病患者未持續或中斷就醫之風險因素探討-以精神分裂症及情感性精神病為例 article pdf(937)
2010.10 復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:台灣經驗之呈現 article pdf(844)
2010-10 復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:台灣經驗之呈現 article pdf(1110)
2010-10 復元與優勢觀點之理論內涵與實踐成效:臺灣經驗之呈現 article pdf(491)
2010-06 社會工作處遇的服務項目和結果指標:概念架構及操作定義 article pdf(895)
2010 精神障礙者復元統合模式之驗證—復元階段量表發展與優勢觀點 (II) report 說明頁(1282)
2009-12 建立目標與個人計劃 book 說明頁(319)
2009-12 優勢觀點社會工作概論 book 說明頁(380)
2009-12 優點評量 book 說明頁(431)
2009-12 獲取資源 book 說明頁(352)