All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 376-400 of 442
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018.12 俄羅斯之安全情勢發展 SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang book/chapter pdf(227)
2020-12 意圖成為平衡者的俄羅斯 SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-shyang book/chapter pdf(209)
2021.04 Taiwan and Its Latin American Allies:An Uphill Diplomatic Campaign CHUNG-CHIAN TENG、Teng, Chung-Chian book/chapter web page(332)
2020 「自由で開かれたインド太平洋」構想下の対アセアン 対ベトナム経済協力関係を事例として TADAHIRO ISHIHARATADAHIRO ISHIHARA book/chapter pdf(348)
2020-09 中國的企業部門 CHIH-SHIAN LIOUCHIH-SHIAN LIOU book/chapter web page(230)
2021-06 Political Institutions, Democratization, and Incumbent Party Cohesion Under Unified and Partial Unified Governments in Mexico YEN-PIN SUFABRICIO ANTONIO FONSECA FERNANDEZYEN-PIN SU、 Fonseca, Fabricio A. book/chapter pdf(209)
2022-04 The Romance of Three Economic Blocs: EU-China Economic Relations Evolving in an Era of Uncertainty TO-HAI LIOUTO-HAI LIOU book/chapter pdf(218)
2022-06 Why Hedging Is Not Easily Attainable-Taiwan`s Strategic Policy Options Amidst US-China Competition GUAN-YI LEU、Leu, Guan-yi book/chapter web page(384)
2021-11 Myanmar: The minorities dilemma and its shaky path to democracy TSAI-WEI SUNTSAI-WEI SUN book/chapter web page(252)
2021-12 俄羅斯對印太地區的戰略及其意涵 SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-Shyang book/chapter web page(276)
2021-12 從「區域主義」到「區域化」?中、美競逐下東協國家的衝突與合作 CHIEN-WU HSUEH、Hsueh, Chien-Wu book/chapter web page(216)
2022 South Korea and V4 in a New Asia-EU Era: Hungary and Poland as Dual Manufacturing Hubs TO-HAI LIOUTO-HAI LIOU book/chapter web page(288)
2021-10 Taiwan`s Practices about Immunities of States and Their Property CHUN-I CHENCHUN-I CHEN book/chapter web page(223)
2021-11 The Volatility and Future of Democracies in Asia HAO YANG、Yang, Alan Hao、Hsiao, Hsin-Huang Michael book web page(281)
2022-02 中東歐與俄羅斯:歷史發展與影響因素 JING-YUN HSU、Hsu, Jing-Yun book/chapter
2020-09 中國共產黨發展簡史:從建黨到毛澤東時代結束 YEN-LIN CHUNG book/chapter web page(246)
2021-06 地緣科技下的日本CPTPP戰略思維 SHUI-HUI LI book/chapter web page(58)
2022-03 The Impact of U.S. Domestic Politics on the Trade War YEH-CHUNG LUYEH-CHUNG LU、Teng, Chung-chian book/chapter web page(204)
2021-12 美國支持臺灣參與國際民航組織之研究 YEH-CHUNG LU book/chapter web page(184)
2022-06 Russia`s Strategy for the Indo-Pacific Region and Its Implication SHIAU-SHYANG LIOU、Liou, Shiau-Shyang book/chapter web page(233)
2022-06 Between a Rock and a Hard Place: How Lesser Powers Respond to Competing Great Powers in the Asia-Pacific Region HSIN-HSIEN WANGHSIN-HSIEN WANGSHINN-SHYR WANGHSIN-HSIEN WANG book/chapter web page(254)
2022-01 Energy and critical infrastructure security: the case of Taiwan CHIA-YI LEE、Lee, Chia-Yi book/chapter web page(200)
2021-07 俄羅斯東向政策下的地緣戰略實踐:聚焦於東南亞與南亞地區 HONG-YI LIEN book/chapter web page(179)
2021-07 普京時期地緣戰略演變與地緣政治理論 HONG-YI LIEN book/chapter web page(164)
2022-02 中東歐經濟:轉型經濟體的發展之路 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(202)