All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1-25 of 87
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2013 模糊線性系統與應用 BER-LIN WU book/chapter pdf(1625)
2006-09 Nonpharmacologic strategies in the management of insomnia CHIEN-MING YANG、 Spielman, Arthur J. 、 Glovinsky, Paul、CHIEN-MING YANG book/chapter web page(1957)
2012.08 Hold a minor up to nature: A new approach on correlation evaluation with fuzzy data BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WUYU-TING CHENG、Wu, Berlin 、 Sriboonchitta, Songsak book/chapter pdf(1650)
2013.09 Effects of surface charge and particle size of cell-penetrating peptide/nanoparticle complexes on cellular internalization. MING-HUAN CHANMING-HUAN CHANMING-HUAN CHAN、 Lo, Shih-Yen 、 Huang, Yue-Wern 、 Lee, Han-Jung、MING-HUAN CHAN book/chapter pdf(1357)
2011 Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisition and Reconstruction: Application to Functional and Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain SHANG-YUEH TSAISHANG-YUEH TSAISHANG-YUEH TSAI book/chapter pdf(1450)
2014.01 Eye movement guidance in reading unspaced text in Thai and Chinese JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI book/chapter web page(1771)
2012.06 市場調查實務 : 問卷設計與硏究分析 BER-LIN WU book/chapter web page(1409)
2000.06 地下媒體的文化與心理觀點 林耀盛 book/chapter web page(1515)
2003-06 Where do Chinese readers send their eyes? JIE-LI TSAIJIE-LI TSAI、 McConkie, George W. book/chapter web page(1869)
2015-01 Correlation Evaluation with Fuzzy Data and its Application in the Management Science BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WU、Sha, Wei-Shun、Chen, Juei-Chao book/chapter pdf(1050)
2013 Protein transduction in human cellsmediated by arginine-richcell-penetrating peptides in mixedcovalent and noncovalent manners Liu, B.R.、MING-HUAN CHANMING-HUAN CHAN、Huang, Y.-W.、Lee, H.-J.、MING-HUAN CHAN book/chapter web page(1483)
2010 Assessment Techniques for Insomnia CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG、Spielman, A.J.、Glovinsky, P.B. book/chapter pdf(1176)
2013 Stereotypes and prejudice from an intergroup relations perspective: Their relation to social structure 李怡青、Pratto, F.、Henkel, K. E.、Lee, I. C. book/chapter web page(1197)
2013-01 Stereotypes and prejudice from an intergroup relations perspective: Their relation to social structure Pratto, F.、Henkel, K.E.、Lee, I. Ching、李怡青 book/chapter web page(1074)
2011-02 Mathematical models of QoS management for communication networks Wang, Chia-Hung、HSING LUH、王嘉宏、HSING LUH book/chapter web page(1089)web page(1480)
2006 Introduction BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WUBER-LIN WU book/chapter web page(1313)
2005 Assessment Techniques for Insomnia Spielman, A.J.、CHIEN-MING YANG、Glovinsky, P.B.、CHIEN-MING YANG book/chapter web page(1416)
2011 Chapter 1 - Sleep Restriction Therapy CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG、Spielman, Arthur J.、Glovinsky, Paul B. book/chapter pdf(841)
2014 Insomnia CHIEN-MING YANG、Spielman, A.J.、CHIEN-MING YANG book/chapter pdf(859)
2012 Computing statistics under interval and fuzzy uncertainty: Applications to computer science and engineering BER-LIN WUBER-LIN WU、Hung T. Nguyen 、\r\nVladik Kreinovich 、 \r\nBerlin Wu 、\r\nGang Xiang book/chapter pdf(852)
2012-06 微積分 (二版) HSING LUH、莊文華 book/chapter web page(1053)
2012-03 生死學在台灣的文化沉思 余德慧、林耀盛 book/chapter web page(834)
2012 Neuroexistentialism, Eudaimonics, and Positive Illusions TIMOTHY JOSEPH LANE、Flanagan, Owen book/chapter pdf(802)
2012-04 Backbone Connectivity and Collective Aggregation Phenomena in Polymer Systems WEN-JONG MA、胡進錕 book/chapter pdf(1199)