All Of Publications(Limit:College of Social Science、Books & Chapters in Books、2000-2009)

Showing 226-250 of 584
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002.07 Harbor City Under Globalization: Kaohsiung and Shanghai in Comparison HSIAO-HUNG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1233)
2002 Taiwan HSIAO-HUNG CHEN book/chapter web page(1616)
2005.02 Universal Values versus Political Ideology:The Virtual Reform Experience of Taiwan``s National Pension Plan HSIAO-HUNG CHEN book/chapter web page(1534)
2003 Paradigm Shifts in Social Welfare Policy-making in China: Struggling between Economic Efficiency and Social Equity HSIAO-HUNG CHEN book/chapter web page(1562)
2001 Searching for welfare model(s): Taiwan`s social welfare policy in the millennium HSIAO-HUNG CHEN book/chapter pdf(1150)
2002.05 國際貿易理論與政策(第一版) YUNGHO WENG book/chapter web page(872)
2009 企業倫理:理論與實務(第二版) 蕭武桐 book/chapter web page(958)
2009 團體與組織 RAY-MAY HSUNG book/chapter web page(1214)
2009 什麼是社會學? JENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(982)
2009 權力與政治體系 JENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(887)
2009 全球化與社會變遷 JENN-HWAN WANG book/chapter web page(891)
2009 Contexts of Social Capital: Social Networks in Markets, Communities and Families. RAY-MAY HSUNGRAY-MAY HSUNG book/chapter web page(1586)
2008 Social Capital of Personnel Managers: Causes and Return of Position-Generated Networks and Participation in Voluntary Associations RAY-MAY HSUNGRAY-MAY HSUNGRAY-MAY HSUNG book/chapter web page(1352)
2009 Position Generators, Affiliations, and the Institutional Logics of Social Capital: A Study of Taiwan Firms and Individuals. RAY-MAY HSUNGRAY-MAY HSUNG book/chapter web page(1475)
2005.06 德國憲政秩序 YOUNG -MING YEH book/chapter web page(713)
2001 The myth and the reality of privatizing social welfare services: A case study of Taipei city HSIAO-HUNG CHEN book/chapter web page(1574)
2000 太平洋島嶼原住民文化 HUI-TUAN. CHANG book/chapter web page(896)
2002 英國國會委員會之地位與角色 WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG book/chapter web page(920)
2003.01 台灣與美國國會委員會:結構功能比較 WAN-YING YANGWAN-YING YANG book/chapter web page(1022)
2000 選舉預測之研究:一九九七年台南縣市長選舉之分析 YIH-YAN CHEN、YU-TING CHENG、蔡孟熹、YIH-YAN CHEN book/chapter web page(757)
2005 Public attitudes to corruption in Taiwan Ching-hsin Yu、I-chou Liu、I-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(1277)
2002 加拿大複決法令彙編 I-CHOU LIULU-HUEI CHENI-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(867)
2002 愛爾蘭公民複決法 I-CHOU LIULU-HUEI CHENI-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(1069)
2002 紐西蘭一九九三年公民複決法 I-CHOU LIUI-CHOU LIU book/chapter web page(863)
2000 質變數之計量分析 CHI HUANGCHI HUANG book/chapter web page(992)