All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books、1990-1999)

Showing 776-794 of 794
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1997 電信業策略性成本動因之實證研究 = An empirical study of strategic cost drivers in telecommunications 張錫惠 book/chapter web page(464)
1999 最適化我國證券監理制度之研究 黃敏助 book/chapter web page(583)
1997 漢語動賓結構中的互動與變化 = Interaction and variation in the Chinese vo construction 何萬順 (Her, One-Soon) 著 book/chapter web page(567)
1998 Genetic programming in the overlapping generations model: An illustration with the dynamics of the inflation rate SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、Yeh, Chia-Hsuan conference pdf(182)
1999 Resolving Consumption Disagreements in Mainland Chinese Families: An Inter-Generational Comparison CHWO-MING YUCHWO-MING YU、Sin, Leo Y.、Yau, Oliver H.、Yu, C. Joseph book/chapter pdf(393)
1990 薪傳:政大傳播學院落成紀念特刊 新聞系 book/chapter pdf(332)
1999 台灣會組織與結構 LIANG-JUNG LIN book/chapter web page(455)
1998-11 English-Chinese Translation of “Politics and the Novel” by Irving Howe and “The Night Is Dark and I Am Far from Home” by Eric Bentley MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(539)
1998-01 小田切萬壽之助的研究-明治、大正時期中日關係史的一面-(原文為日文) NAI-MING YU book/chapter web page(496)
1996-06 新讀郁離子──劉伯溫寓言 HSING-CHIEN CHE book web page(397)
1998 Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Programming: A Comparative Study Based on Financial Data SHU-HENG CHENSHU-HENG CHEN、Ni, C.-C. book/chapter pdf(336)
1994 老年喪偶家庭的調適 PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU book
1993 性別與社會福利 PAU-CHING LUPAU-CHING LU book
1996-06 Mongolian Independence Movement of 1911: A Pan-Mongolian Endeavor MEI-HUA LANMEI-HUA LAN book
1999 The Effects of Political Attack Discours YI-NING CHEN、Chen, Yi-Ning 專書篇章
1994-01 Interactive Literature and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language: History, Theory, and Application (Roleplaying Games in the Language Classroom) BRIAN-DAVID PHILLIPS book/chapter
1996-12 孫子辨證及孫武生平考 RUI- HONG CHEN book/chapter web page(116)
1994-09 商品經濟衝擊下的客家婦女 HSIAO-CHUAN HSIA book/chapter