All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books、2000-2009)

Showing 1401-1425 of 1935
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 統整課程及其課程發展模式之再認識 YI-YING HUANGYI-YING HUANG book/chapter web page(628)
2000 The new communications landscape : demystifying media globalization GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG、Servaes, Jan、Goonasekera, Anura book/chapter web page(1092)
2004-09 寓情草木:〈離騷〉香草論及其所衍生的比興批評 TUNG-LIANG LIAOTUNG-LIANG LIAO book/chapter web page(737)
2001 Press Freedom in China: Darkness before the Dawn? LI CHULI CHU book/chapter web page(1100)
2006 Journalism and Communication Education and Research in Hong Kong LI CHU、梁偉賢、李少南、LI CHU、Leung, Kenneth W. Y.、Lee, Shao-Nan book/chapter web page(1418)
2008-11 韓國史(增訂二版) LI-SHI CHU、Chu, Li-Shi book web page(1187)
2008-01 大聲嗆媒體 LI-SHI CHU、Chu, Li-Shi book web page(1161)
2007-02 國家暴力與過去清算:從韓國518看台灣228 LI-SHI CHU、Chu, Li-Shi book web page(1255)
2006-05 韓國心.台灣情 LI-SHI CHU、Chu, Li-Shi book web page(954)
2006-01 南北韓,統一必亡 LI-SHI CHU、Chu, Li-Shi book web page(1241)
2007-05 The Role of ASEAN as a Third Party Mediator in the Dispute over the South China Sea KWEI-BO HUANG、Huang, Kwei-Bo book/chapter web page(1114)
2008 中國石油外交策略探索:兼論安全複合體系之理論與實際 AI WEI、林長青 book/chapter web page(1025)
2003-07 中國大陸的財政體制與政策 AI WEIAI WEI book/chapter web page(1000)
2008 經濟均衡發展策略-歐洲轉型國家之案例與啟示 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(1018)
2007-09 俄羅斯的一中政策 PAI-KU WEI book/chapter web page(951)
2004 歐盟東擴對俄羅斯經貿的影響 PAI-KU WEI book/chapter web page(910)
2004-04 從2002年烏克蘭大選簡析烏克蘭與歐盟之關係發展 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(977)
2003-04 俄羅斯市場探微 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(1068)
2005-09 The applicability of western motivation models to the Taiwanese context SHU-SHEN SHIH、Wang, C.、Alexander, J. M.、SHU-SHEN SHIH、Wang, C.、Alexander, J. M. book/chapter web page(1225)
2005 Effects of people knowledge on science learning in a computer-based learning environment HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG book/chapter web page(1177)
2008-10 Integrating Collaborative PBL with Blended Learning to Improve Preservice Teachers' Critical-Thinking Skills YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(1392)
2003-07 概論:優質教學、專家教師與教育心理學 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(802)
2003-07 智能與批判思考 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(681)
2007 Schooling in Taiwan CHUING CHOU、HO, Ai-hsin、CHUING CHOU、Ho, Ai-hsin book/chapter web page(1169)
2009 Symbolic universes of pedagogical professionalism in different cultures Kokemohr, Rainer、TSAO-LIN FONGMING-SHIANG CHUU NI book/chapter web page(1125)