All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 2701-2725 of 8368
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996-07 政治認知與電視新聞解讀 --閱聽人研究的再審視 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(963)
1999-12 是誰在形塑我們腦海中的愛滋病圖像? MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(1150)
1996-07 都會地區有線電視地方新聞分析---以大台北地區真相新聞為例 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(1171)
2005-06 健康傳播研究在台灣 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(1055)
2005-06 愛滋病與媒體 – 與愛滋病研究的再生緣 MEI-LING HSU、Hsu, Mei-Ling book/chapter web page(970)
2008 醫師人員培育整合研議案 張苙雲、姚克明、丁志音、MEI-LING HSU、Chang, Ly-Yun、Yao, Ke-Ming、Ting, Chih-Yin book/chapter web page(1019)
2013-05 人力資源管理 : 理論與實務 = Human resource management JIA-CHI HUANG book/chapter web page(1108)
2013-07 International Business Law in the 21st Century YAO-MING HSUYAO-MING HSU book/chapter web page(1495)
2011-05 台灣地區行政訴訟:制度、立法與案例 TZONG-DER LIOU book/chapter web page(1086)
2002-08 Reform and Perspectives on Social Insurancee: Lessons from the East and West: A Comparative Study of Social Insurance in China, EU, Germany, Great Britain, Japan, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA MING-CHENG KUO book/chapter web page(1554)
2013-09 刑法精義(修訂29版) YUAN-SHENG HUANG book/chapter web page(931)
2013-09 簡明刑法分則(黃仲夫)第三版 YUAN-SHENG HUANG book/chapter web page(728)
2010-12 歐洲專利手冊(第三版) 劉孔中 book/chapter web page(707)
2013-07 歐洲專利實務指南 劉孔中 book/chapter web page(876)
2013-04 保險行銷 : 從孫子兵法到社群媒體 YAO-LUNG HSIEH book/chapter web page(1200)
2013-07 文革前的鄧小平:毛澤東的「副帥」(1956-1966) YEN-LIN CHUNG book/chapter web page(1223)
2011-07 Electronic governance and cross-boundary collaboration: Innovations and advancing tools. Chen, Y.-C.、PIN-YU CHU book/chapter web page(1588)
2006 政府採購電子化之效率評估:以高雄市政府為例 PIN-YU CHU、李鳳梧、林岳嶙、游珊華 book/chapter web page(1029)
2002-08 獨立機關的合憲性與建制原則 KUO-JUNG CHUANG book/chapter web page(940)
2002-01 廣播電視產業之集中化與管制 KUO-JUNG CHUANG book/chapter web page(1026)
2001-04 數位化時代廣播電視、電信及資訊產業之新管制架構 KUO-JUNG CHUANG book/chapter web page(1036)
2013-12 國家通訊傳播委員會以添加附款方式管制媒體集中化之研究 KUO-JUNG CHUANG book/chapter web page(1099)
2008 Size and Structure of the Information Economy in Taiwan Lee, Y. C.、PIN-YU CHU book/chapter pdf(1369)
2010-05 Measuring e-governance performance: Theory and practice in Taiwan PIN-YU CHU、Huang, T.-Y. book/chapter web page(1531)
2010-03 Evaluation of e-government services: A citizen-centric approach to citizen e-complaint services, 400-417 Yeh, Shang-Ching、PIN-YU CHU book/chapter pdf(1168)