All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 3401-3425 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1992 Textbooks used in America and Taiwan : A comparison of the first-grade mathematics textbooks. YI-YING HUANGYI-YING HUANG book/chapter web page(860)
1999 Interacting effects of goal setting, self-comparison, and social comparison on children’s development of self-efficacy and cognitive skill. SHU-SHEN SHIHSHU-SHEN SHIH book/chapter web page(1240)
2000 教學更新之契機:省思教師實務理論的內容與限制 YI-YING HUANGYI-YING HUANG book/chapter web page(558)
2002 統整課程及其課程發展模式之再認識 YI-YING HUANGYI-YING HUANG book/chapter web page(602)
2010 Social interactions and innovation: Simulation based on an agent-based modular economy Chie, B.-T.、Chen, S.-H.、SHU-HENG CHEN book/chapter web page(928)
2010 Multi-Agent Applications with Evolutionary Computation and Biologically Inspired Technologies: Intelligent Techniques for Ubiquity and Optimization Chen, S.-H.、Kambayashi, Y.、Sato, H. book/chapter web page(837)
2013-01 Stereotypes and prejudice from an intergroup relations perspective: Their relation to social structure Pratto, F.、Henkel, K.E.、Lee, I. Ching、李怡青 book/chapter web page(990)
1997 The Beginning of a New Era: Privatization of Telecommunications in Taiwan GEORGETTE WANG、曾繁藤、GEORGETTE WANG、Tseng, Fan-Tung book/chapter web page(1189)
1995 Development of Videotex in Taiwan GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(1029)
1995 Seeking the Best Integration: Popular Music in Taiwan GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(916)
1984 Continuity and change in communication systems : an Asian perspective GEORGETTE WANG、Dissanayake, Wimal、GEORGETTE WANG、Dissanayake, Wimal book/chapter web page(1221)
1988 第二代媒介 : 傳播革命之後 GEORGETTE WANGWEI-WEN CHUNGGEORGETTE WANGWEI-WEN CHUNG book/chapter web page(848)
1993 The Information society : a retrospective view GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(1235)
1995 尋找資訊社會 GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(750)
2000 The new communications landscape : demystifying media globalization GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG、Servaes, Jan、Goonasekera, Anura book/chapter web page(1070)
1994 Treading different paths : informatization in Asian nations GEORGETTE WANGGEORGETTE WANG book/chapter web page(1073)
2004-09 寓情草木:〈離騷〉香草論及其所衍生的比興批評 TUNG-LIANG LIAOTUNG-LIANG LIAO book/chapter web page(706)
2014-05 A Three-Stage Decision Model Integrating FAHP, MDS and Association Rules for Targeting Smartphone Customers HENG-LI YANGHENG-LI YANGHENG-LI YANG book/chapter pdf(1098)
2014-04 A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Support Model: Combining DANP with MDS HENG-LI YANGHENG-LI YANG book/chapter pdf(1071)
2014-02 Applying Fuzzy AHP to Understand the Factors of Cloud Storage Adoption HENG-LI YANGHENG-LI YANG book/chapter pdf(1054)
1987 Words into Plowshares: Communication of Agricultural Innovations in Communist China LI CHULI CHU book/chapter web page(1229)
1992 傳播與社會發展 LI CHU、陳韜文、LI CHU、Chan, Joseph M book/chapter web page(636)
1997 大眾傳播與市場經濟 LI CHU、潘忠黨、陳韜文、LI CHU、Pan, Zhong-Dang、Chan, Joseph M book/chapter web page(677)
1983 Mass Media and Conflict Resolution LI CHULI CHU book/chapter web page(1080)
1992 Communication and National Development: A Paradigm Revisited LI CHULI CHU book/chapter web page(1100)