All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 3451-3475 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-05 加入國際組織的公民投票:以歐盟為中心之探討 PAI-KU WEI book/chapter web page(1232)
2010-04 波海三國獨立公投之研析 PAI-KU WEI book/chapter web page(1015)
2004-04 從2002年烏克蘭大選簡析烏克蘭與歐盟之關係發展 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(951)
2003-04 俄羅斯市場探微 MEI-LAN HUNG book/chapter web page(1040)
2005-09 The applicability of western motivation models to the Taiwanese context SHU-SHEN SHIH、Wang, C.、Alexander, J. M.、SHU-SHEN SHIH、Wang, C.、Alexander, J. M. book/chapter web page(1199)
1999 Der Rhythmus des Seins und das absolute Nichts: Hegel und Zen-Buddhismus - Aspekte eines interkulturellen philosophischen Diskurses YU-HUI CHEN、chen, yu-hui book/chapter web page(1135)
2005 Effects of people knowledge on science learning in a computer-based learning environment HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG book/chapter web page(1142)
2011-06 Research and methods YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(1155)
2008-1 Integrating Collaborative PBL with Blended Learning to Improve Preservice Teachers`` Critical-Thinking Skills YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(1354)
2010-02 動機與學習 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(886)
2003-07 概論:優質教學、專家教師與教育心理學 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(770)
2010-02 智能與批判思考 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(791)
2010-02 優質教學、專家教師與教育心理學 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(998)
2003-07 智能與批判思考 YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(642)
2012-01 Aptitude-treatment interaction YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter pdf(1300)
2007 Schooling in Taiwan CHUING CHOU、HO, Ai-hsin、CHUING CHOU、Ho, Ai-hsin book/chapter web page(1144)
2009 Symbolic universes of pedagogical professionalism in different cultures Kokemohr, Rainer、TSAO-LIN FONGMING-SHIANG CHUU NI book/chapter web page(1085)
2014-01 Developing Student-Centered Teaching Beliefs Through Knowledge Building Among Prospective Teachers HUANG-YAO HONGHUANG-YAO HONG book/chapter pdf(955)
2008-06 Collaborative PBL meets e-learning: How does it improve the professional development of critical-thinking instruction? YU-CHU YEHYU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(1282)
2008-07 人間機關術-黃心健個展 HSIN-CHIEN HUANGHSIN-CHIEN HUANG book/chapter web page(1326)
2003-09 象形迷宮 HSIN-CHIEN HUANGHSIN-CHIEN HUANG book/chapter
2001 專家與生手設計者使用電腦媒材的認知差異 : 一般性思考到創造性思考的歷程 SHENG-CHIH CHENSHENG-CHIH CHEN book/chapter web page(1336)
2007 明日建築 : 實體-虛擬-互動-空間 劉育東、侯君昊、吳彥良、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、王昭智、李致遠、Liu, Yu-Tung、Hou, June-Hao、Wu, Yen-Liang、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、Wang, Chao-Chih、Lee, Chih-Yuan book/chapter
2008 虛擬紅毛城 : 以保存為導向的數位化與虛擬化流程初探 SHENG-CHIH CHENSHENG-CHIH CHEN book/chapter web page(1384)
2015-03 Fake Stuff: China and the Rise of Counterfeit Goods YI-CHIEH LIN、Lin, Yi-Chieh book/chapter web page(1668)