All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 5401-5425 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2015 幻滅的「美國夢」──永恆經典的再現與再譯: 張思婷譯的《大亨小傳》 CHIEN-CHI LIU book/chapter web page(364)
2017 多元文化教案:不只有耶誕節和萬聖節,世界各地節慶之專題報告 LI-YUAN HSU book/chapter web page(376)
2011 Animacy and the resolution of temporary ambiguity in relative clause comprehension in Mandarin YOW-YU LIN、Lin, Yowyu、Garnsey, Susan book/chapter pdf(349)
2014 English-Chinese Translation of an Excerpt from “Hawthorne” by Henry James (1843-1916) and an Excerpt from “History as Guide” by David Hume (1711-1776) MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(500)
2013 Chinese-English Translation of “Sans Title” by Yu Tafu and “A Memoir of the Lost Capital” by Liu Tzuhui (of the Sung Dynasty) MIN-HUA WU book/chapter web page(503)
2010-01 結構主義與後結構主義 SHUAN-HUNG WU book/chapter web page(377)
2017-06 The Poetics and Politics of Un/translatability in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s New Anatomies.” LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(610)
2014-12 Diasporas on the Move: Lines of Flight in Timberlake Wertenbaker’s Our Country’s Good LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(592)
2013-01 T.S. Eliot LI-MIN YANGLI-MIN YANG book/chapter web page(620)
2017 Taiwan Education at the Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(511)
2016-12 林獻堂與民國--以《灌園先生日記》、《東遊吟草》為考察對象 HUEI-CHEN CHANG book/chapter web page(504)
2012 Gesetz und Vertrag, in: Werner Heun/Christian Starck(Hrsg.) CHIA-HO LIN book/chapter web page(526)
2015-06 歐盟法之基礎原則與實務發展(下) DER-CHIN HORNG、陳淳文 book/chapter web page(462)
2017-08 The Multifunctionality of Community Supported Agriculture: A Study Case in Taiwan AI-CHING YEN、陳胤安、AI-CHING YEN、Chen, Yin-An book/chapter pdf(302)
2017-09 A Farewell to Arms? US security relations with Taiwan and the prospects for stability in the Taiwan Strait PING-KUEI CHENPING-KUEI CHEN、Kastner, Scott L.、Reed, William L. book/chapter pdf(589)
2017-08 從方法到理論︰數位學習理論(模型)的檢驗與建立 HUANG-YAO HONG、張宇慧 book/chapter web page(582)
2010 教育心理學(第二版) YU-CHU YEH、高源令、HUI-LAN HSIU、陳世芬、曾慧敏、YU-CHU YEH book/chapter web page(563)
2010-03 是情緒糟,不是你很糟 WEN-YAU HSU、劉乃誌、林肇賢、王韋婷、涂佩瓊、CHI-WEN LIANG book/chapter web page(544)
2011 Power basis theory: A psycho-ecological approach to power 李怡青、Pratto, Felicia、Lee, I-Ching book/chapter web page(605)
2015-03 Pathfinders in International psychology CHIEN-RU SUNCHIEN-RU SUN book/chapter web page(687)
2017-09 解讀阿拉伯 HUEY-TSYR JENG book/chapter web page(620)
2016-05 媒體與意識形態 SHIAW-CHIAN FONG book/chapter web page(481)
2011-12 透過網路社群集體參與互動式線上藝術創作模組,以建立公民美學之提升機制 曹筱玥、HSIN-CHIEN HUANG book/chapter
2017-01 臺灣行政程序法之檢討與展望──以空間計畫法制為中心 LING-CHING FU book/chapter web page(351)
2017-08 淺談Heck之利益法學 PO-FENG CHOU book/chapter web page(420)