All Of Publications(Limit:Books & Chapters in Books)

Showing 1201-1225 of 8241
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014.01 闡釋土地法所定計徵土地登記費標準之申報地價-最高行政法院88年判字第69號判例評析 LI-FU CHEN book/chapter web page(1248)
2012 為弱勢者畫權力地圖:建制民族誌入門 TSEN-YUNG WANG、梁莉芳、許甘霖、唐文慧、徐畢卿、陳伯偉 book/chapter web page(1269)
2006 智慧資本策略思維 SE-HWA WUMU-YEN HSUSHENG-TSUNG HOU book/chapter web page(1178)
2006 智慧資本運用能耐 SE-HWA WUMU-YEN HSU、林良陽 book/chapter web page(1046)
2002 策略九說(簡體版) SE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1175)
1996 策略九說-策略思考的本質 SE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1088)
1996 新產品發展歷程中資源統治方式之研究 SE-HWA WU、廖崇廷 book/chapter web page(952)
1992 The dynamic cooperation between government and enterprise: the development of Taiwan`s integrated circuit industry SE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1626)
1988 產業政策與企業策略──台灣產業發展歷程 SE-HWA WU book/chapter web page(1260)
2013.09 從初期到中世印度-佛教、印度教、意義與秩序之探尋 PO-CHI HUANG book/chapter web page(1317)
2004 The emerging north-south divide in East Asia : a reappraisal of Asian regionalism CHYUNG LY LEE、Hank Lim、CHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1193)
2003 Preventing Insecurity: Lessons From and For East Asia CHYUNG LY LEE、Edmonds, Martin 、Mills, Greg、CHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1582)
2001 New Security Paradigms CHYUNG LY LEE、Edmonds, Martin 、Mills, Greg、CHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1651)
1995 Power analysis of asymmetrical trade negotiations : cases in the Taiwan - U.S. agricultural trade CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1517)
2000 Asia-Europe Cooperation After 1997/1998 Asian Turbulence CHYUNG LY LEECHYUNG LY LEE book/chapter web page(1615)
2012.01 中國政治變革中的觀念與利益 楊光斌、CHIEN-WEN KOU book/chapter web page(1335)
2012.08 瞄準十八大:中共第五代領導菁英 CHIEN-WEN KOUWen-Hsuan Tsai book/chapter web page(1081)
2014.01 台灣經濟關鍵下一步-兩岸經濟整合的趨勢與挑戰 CHEN-YUAN TUNG book/chapter web page(1370)
2002.01 Structured Requirements Analysis Methodology with Object Extension JIA-LANG SENG book/chapter web page(1389)
2014.01 The SSCI Syndrome: A local or global phenomenon CHUING CHOUCHUING CHOU book/chapter pdf(1075)
2012-07 Taiwan Education at the Crossroad: When Globalization Meets Localization CHUING CHOU、 Ching, Gregory、CHUING CHOU book/chapter web page(1508)
2010 教育領導理論與應用 MENG-CHUN CHIN book/chapter web page(1340)
2011 教育行政理論與模式 MENG-CHUN CHIN book/chapter web page(1162)
2012 教育行政實務與應用 MENG-CHUN CHIN book/chapter web page(1274)
1998 書寫攝影:相片的文本與文化 LI-HSIN KUO book/chapter web page(947)