All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、Proceedings)

Showing 476-500 of 1970
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2011-12 數位藝術互動設計應用之想像力建構分析—概念、操作化與實施策略 SHENG-CHIH CHEN conference
2004-08 Priming and framing effects: A comparison of the 1991 Gulf War and the 2003 Iraq War Chang Ching-ching、VEN-HWEI LO conference
2005-08 The Third-Person Effects of Political Attack Ads in the 2004 U.S. Presidential Election VEN-HWEI LO、魏然 conference
2011-12 大洲魚寮如何開展文化與創意—以5C架構為觀點的創意生活產業個案分析 SHENG-CHIH CHENJING-JYI WUCHAO-TUNG WEN conference
1996 The Interplay between Affective States in News Processing: An Examination of the Warmer Side of Audience Activities MEI-LING HSU conference
2011-12 探究促發數位設計學習者想像的心理因素及設計階段影響 許育齡、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、梁朝雲 conference
1994-07 News Coverage of the 1991 National Assembly Election in Taiwan VEN-HWEI LO conference
2011-12 電梯情境互動感知設計與應用—微笑電梯桑 呂凌慧、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、陳宜僅、YI-AN CHEN、賴建成、陳郁文 conference
2000-04 Third-person effect, gender, and support for Restriction of pornography on the Internet VEN-HWEI LO、魏然 conference
2005-07 Gender patronage of adult entertainment clubs and support for restriction on the sex trade: A third-person effect study VEN-HWEI LO、魏然 conference
1998-08 The third-person perception and support for restriction of pornography: Some methodological problems VEN-HWEI LO、 Anna R. Paddon conference
1999-08 How Sexual Strategies Theory, Gender, and the Third-Person Effect Explain Attitudes About Pornography VEN-HWEI LO、Anna R. Paddon conference
2005 Korean television programs and transnationalism in Taiwan. A paper presented at the Conference of Asian Broadcastings Toward a New Partnership HERNG SU conference
2000 When to stop following the masters: Communication Research in Taiwan VEN-HWEI LO、 Wang.G conference
2006-07 The Taiwan journalists: The evolution of the profession VEN-HWEI LO conference
2003-05 Staying connected while on the move: Cell phone use and social connectedness VEN-HWEI LO、魏然 conference
1998-05 Journalistic Expertise:A Cognitive Science Approach WEI-WEN CHUNGKUO-JEN TSANGPAI-LIN CHEN、陳順孝 conference
1998-10 The WWW and Local Election: A Case Study of Taipei County Major Candidates` WWW Sites BONNIE PENG conference
2011 An experimental policy-making project for promoting emerging industries: A case study of the “Vision 2025 project” in Taiwan Chen, Yi-Wen 、SHENG-CHIH CHEN conference
1996 AIDS Knowledge Media Use and Public Opinion about AIDS Policies in Taiwan MEI-LING HSU conference
1996-06 Staging Public Television in Taiwan:the Party-State TV Industries and the Academics CHIEN-SAN FENG conference
1996 A Content Analysis of the AIDS Media MEI-LING HSU conference
2012-06 新媒介互動科技教學設計應用:行動觀光導覽應用程式開發 SHENG-CHIH CHEN conference
1993 我國婦女運動的媒介真實和「社會真實」 翁秀琪 conference
2007-10 台灣媒體產業面臨的挑戰 BONNIE PENG conference