All Of Publications(Limit:College of Communication、Proceedings)

Showing 551-575 of 1970
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2002 Effects of Internet Pornography on Taiwanese Adolescents` Sexual Attitudes and Behavior. Lo, Ven-hwei & Ran Wei conference
2002 自尊、第三人效果與支持限制媒介 VEN-HWEI LO、牛隆光 conference pdf(921)
2003 色情場所:性別、出入頻率與第三人效果 VEN-HWEI LO conference
2004 Ethical attitudes and perception: A comparative study of journalists in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. Lo, Ven-hwei, Chan, J., & Pan, Z. conference
2005 Media use and political capital. Chen, Yi-ning & Lo, Ven-hwei conference
2005 互聯網對傳統媒體的時間取代效果-北京、台北、香港的比較研究 VEN-HWEI LO、梁永熾、熊澄宇、李少南 conference
2007 台灣新聞傳播學術期刊評估 VEN-HWEI LO、章英華、黃毅志 conference
2006 Reconsider the relationship between third-person effect and optimistic bias. Wei, Ran, Lo, V. H., & Lu, Hung-Yi conference
2007 Ethical risk perception of freebies and effects on journalists’ ethical reasoning VEN-HWEI LO、Ran, Wei、VEN-HWEI LO conference
2007 Exploring the relationships among media exposure, presumed media influence, and behavioral intentions Lo, V. H., Wei, R., & Lu H. Y. conference
2007 News Media Use and Knowledge about the 2006 U.S. Midterm Elections: Why Exposure Matters in Voter Learning Wei, R. & Lo, Ven-hwei conference
2008 有線電視和網際網路對報紙讀者的影響 HERNG SUVEN-HWEI LO conference
2007 台灣新聞人員對爭議性編採手法的態度:1994年與2004年的調查研究 VEN-HWEI LO、李偉儂 conference
2008 報紙與電視新聞的可信度: 1993, 1998及2003的比較研究 VEN-HWEI LO conference
2008 Is medium the message in pornography? Comparing the third-person effects of Internet pornography with pornography in traditional media Lo, Ven-hwei & Ran Wei conference
2008-12 個人主義∕集體主義與第三人效果 VEN-HWEI LO conference
2010-12 群體智慧與群體力量的實現:網路社群中的情感標籤與連結方略 HSIAOMEI WUJYI-SHANE LIUHOU-MING HUANG conference
2009-08 Examining the Effects of Interactivity in Internet Pornography on Adolescent Sexual Attitudes and Behavior. Lo, Ven-hwei, Wei, R. & Wu, S. M. conference
2009-05 Examining the Perceptual Gap and Behavioral Outcomes in the Perceived Effects of Polling News in the 2008 Taiwan Presidential Election. Lo, Ven-hwei, Wei, R. & Lu, H. Y.、VEN-HWEI LO conference pdf(719)
2011-11 行動情境下使用者進行遊戲的意願-以智慧型手機為例 林姿旻、SHENG-CHIH CHEN、陳玉樺、JENG-PEI KUO conference
2007 新聞人員的專業地位與人才培育 VEN-HWEI LO conference
1983-03 Gratification Sought, Avoidances and International Political Knowledge BONNIE PENG conference
2009-10-16 公共衛生危機中產生不實新聞的影響因素探討 HERNG SUYI-NING CHEN conference pdf(4862)
2009-10-16 風險社會概念下的風險溝通與網路傳播:以全球暖化議題為例 MEI-LING HSU、楊意菁 conference pdf(2431)
2009-10-16 印象修復策略分析:金車與雀巢企業三聚氫胺食品情境與回應策略研究 楊舒婷 conference pdf(8122)