All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Proceedings)

Showing 276-300 of 4069
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996-03 After Sale Services and Consumer Complaints: An Empirical Study Consumer Interests Annual YAO-LUNG HSIEH conference
1996-03 Trust Social Networks and Buying Behavior: An Empirical Study YAO-LUNG HSIEH conference
1996-03 Motives of Corporate Philanthropy: A Case Study of Taiwan YAO-LUNG HSIEH conference
1996-06 Factors Influencing Corporate Philanthropy: A Case Study of Taiwan YAO-LUNG HSIEH conference
1993-07 The Influence of Economic Factors on Export Marketing Performance: An Empirical Analysis YAO-LUNG HSIEH conference
2000 An Analysis of Substitution and Supplement Effects Between 401(k) and Other Employer`s Pensions LI-LING WANG conference
1999-08 An Insight into the Changes in Employer`s Pension Offerings: How Did 401(k) Plans Replace Other Employer`s Pensions? LI-LING WANG、Jack VanDerhei conference
1999-07 Surplus Management with a Linear Term Structure LI-LING WANG、Larry Y. Tzeng、June Soo conference
1999 Optimal Commission Rate for External Fund Management: A Case Analysis of Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System LI-LING WANG、呂壁如 conference
1999 國民年金制度設計對台灣地區所得分配的影響 LI-LING WANG、蘇培雅 conference
1999 Demand for Market Insurance and Self-Insurance Under Increased Risk Aversion LI-LING WANG conference
1999 Surplus Management with a Linear Term Structure LI-LING WANG conference
2002-08 Net Present Value under Stochastic Interest Rates- An Application in Pricing Life Insurance (Canada,Montreal) LI-LING WANG conference
1998-08 The Integration of Social Security and Optimal Pension Contract LI-LING WANG、Larry Y. Tzeng、Jack VanDerhei conference
2005 The Distributions of Policy Reserves Considering the Policy-Year Structures of Surrender Rates and Expense Ratios CHENG-HSIEN TSAIWEIYU KUOMI-HSIU CHIANG conference
2005 Hedging Labor Income and Inflation Uncertainties through Capital Market in Defined Contribution Pension Schemes 張世杰、CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Hwang Ya-Wen conference
2004 Incorporating Foreign Equities in Optimal Portfolio Selection for Insurers 張世杰、CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Hung Li-Chuan conference
2003 Effective Duration of Life Insurance Policies Estimated with Empirical Surrender Behaviors CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Lin Tzy-Ting conference
2003 The Impact of Correlation on the Effectiveness of Risk-Based Capital CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Ching-Syang Jack Yue、Yuan-Chih Pan conference
2003 An Empirical Study on the Solvency Prediction of Simulation Analysis Scenario Analysis and Risk-Based Capital CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Jui-Lin Eva Sung, conference
2002 Duration Analysis on Life Insurance Policies: A Case of Endowment Policies CHENG-HSIEN TSAI conference
2002-07 Net Present Value under Stochastic Interest Rates- An Application in Pricing Life Insurance (Taipei) LI-LING WANG、Jen-Hung Wang conference
2004 台灣地區重大傷病醫療費用推估 HONG-CHIH HUANGCHING-SYANG YUE、劉明昌 conference pdf(1541)
2002 Lapse Rate and the Distribution of Policy Reserves CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Weiyu Kuo、Wei-Kuang Chen conference
2002 Risk-Based Capital and the Life Insurer’s Risk Taking Behaviors CHENG-HSIEN TSAI、Larry Y. Tzeng、Chun-Fang Kuo conference