All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Proceedings)

Showing 126-150 of 3986
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1999-04 台灣金融管理與體制 朱浩民 conference
1996 Does Day Trading Destabilize the Stock Price:the Case of Taiwan 朱浩民、沈中華 conference
1995-12 期貨交易、市場操縱與經濟福利 朱浩民 conference
1995-01 不完全競爭下期貨市場之經濟分析 朱浩民 conference
2007 Analyzing Yield Duration and Convexity of Mortgage Loans under Prepayment and Default Risks 廖四郎、Ming-Shann Tsai、Shu-Lin Chiang conference pdf(5650)
1994-12 外匯自由化與遠期外匯市場效率表現:臺灣的實證分析 朱浩民 conference
1994-12 一個新興的期貨市場:大陸鄭州農產品期貨交易 朱浩民 conference
1994-08 臺灣證券市場管理之回顧與展望 朱浩民 conference
2000-08 The banking perform in Taiwan 李桐豪 conference
1999-06 我對『中長期資金運用─現行制度法制化及回歸市場機制程序之推動與檢討』之意見 李桐豪 conference
2003-06 金融機構處理不良債權之拍賣方式比較 張興華 conference
1999 The impacts of the Asian Financial Crisis on Taiwanese Business with investment interests in South East Asia 李桐豪 conference
1998-11 The Taiwanese Experience of Macroeconomic Risk Management 李桐豪 conference
1997-03 政府對農會信用部管理政策的再檢討 李桐豪 conference
2002-05 以實質選擇權法評估高科技產業股價 陳威光郭維裕、林家帆 conference
2001-06 以Adaptive Mesh Model評價重設選擇權 陳威光、洪瑞鴻 conference
2001-03 以分解結合法加速重設型選擇權之評價效率 陳威光、張龍福、王志原 conference
2000-06 Further investigation of stock index futrues and stock prices movement during the Octorber 1987 market crash 陳威光 conference
1999-04 The market risk of warrant positions: Value-at -risk Approach 陳威光 conference
1999-04 The valuation and Hedging of reset option 陳威光 conference
1999 The evaluation of option when the underlying asset prices under price limits 陳威光 conference
1997-03 A Simple Model on Competition and Coordination with Vertically Integrated Rivals 江永裕、Jyh-Horng Leu conference
1998 Option Pricing When Stock Price Under Price Limits 陳威光 conference
1997-12 Application of Neural Networks to Financial Swaps 陳威光 conference
1997-01 An Analysis of Capital Guarantted Trust and Its Innovation Value- A Monte Carlo Approach for Pricing Average Rate Option 陳威光 conference