All Of Publications(Limit:College of Commerce、Proceedings)

Showing 226-250 of 4003
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
1996 Practicing Financial Crisis Using Double-Threshold Model 沈中華 conference
1991 Advances in Investent Analysis and Portfolio Management SON-NAN CHEN conference
1996 The Determination of Interest Rate in a Small Semi-open Economics: The Probability Switching Regression Model 沈中華 conference
2004 Long-Run Consequences of Financial Policy in an Endogenously Growing Economy 陳明郎、YEONG-YUH CHIANG、Ping Wang conference
2001-02 金融業跨業經營的效益分析 HAU-MIN CHU conference
2001 東亞金融危機與台灣 霍德明 conference
1996 金融資產價格與貨幣需求函數的穩定性 沈中華 conference
2002 金融機構合併研究 沈中華 conference
1995-12 保留意見之資訊內函:考慮漲跌幅上下限的事件研究法 沈中華、李建然 conference
2002 The Choice of Intermediate Targets–Money or Interest Rate: The Case of Taiwan 沈中華 conference
2002 Deregulation and Efficiency of Taiwanese Banks in Productivity and Economic Performance in the Asia-Pacific Region 沈中華、Chou R. I.、Hasan、A. Lozano-Viva conference
1988 我國金融制度與金融政策 侯金英 conference
1995 Foreign Exchange Risk Premiums and Volatilities of Market Fundamentals 沈中華、Thomas Chiang conference
1995 A Re-examination of the Pork Bellies Futures Price Under Price Limit 沈中華 conference
1982 財務管理 NORMAN YIN conference
1995 臺灣國際準備需求含數之推估:季節共整合模型 沈中華 conference
1978 我國主要工業產品有效保護水準之檢討 游坤敏 conference
1993-12 Macroeconomic Forecasting and Stochastic Seasonality 沈中華 conference
2006 金融市場-全球的觀點 沈中華 conference
1992-12 我國貨幣政策反應函數之非對稱性 沈中華 conference
2002 經濟學概論 霍德明 conference
1992-11 The Determination of The Interest Rate in a Small Semi-Open Economy: The case of Taiwan 沈中華 conference
2002 經濟學2000 : 跨世紀新趨勢 霍德明 conference
2004-04 Analyzing Convertible Bonds: Valuation Optimal Strategies and Asset SZU-LANG LIAO、H. H. Huang conference pdf(6893)
2003-08 Pension Liability Cost Access to Capital Market and Employers Pension Choice LI-LING WANG conference