All Of Publications(Limit:College of International Affairs、Proceedings)

Showing 276-300 of 724
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-12 日本看北韓核武危機對東北亞區域安全之影響 劉德海 conference
2008-04 China’s Geo-Strategic Maneuver in the Acquisition of Oil Resources in Non-Western World Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference 說明頁(1652)
2007-12 中共對非西方世界的石油能源政策作為 鄧中堅 conference
2007-07 Conflict Resolution in East Asia:The China-Taiwan-North Korea Conundrum Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference 說明頁(1109)
2007-05 中國對拉丁美洲石油能源戰略與外交 鄧中堅 conference 說明頁(911)
2006-04 China’s Rising and Its Effects on the Western Hemisphere Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference
2006-03 Peace Keeping and Humanitarian Intervention: The Case of Bosnia 鄧中堅、戴慶正 conference
2005-12 Decision-making of US FTA Policy Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference
2005-06 中共的崛起在拉丁美洲的影響 鄧中堅 conference
2004-11 The Political Economy of China’s Foreign Policy Behavior in Latin America, Teng, Chung-Chian、鄧中堅 conference
2004-10 The Effect of Context Factor on the Selection of Mediator 鄧中堅 conference
2004-08 The Third Road toward Closer Economic Cooperation between the Republic of China and the Republic of Costa Rica 鄧中堅 conference
2003-11 International Trade Regime and Economic Security: The Case of Taiwan 鄧中堅 conference
2010-03-09 Japanese-Russian territorial dispute over Kuril islands: partition of the problem as the best way for resolving the issue and signing peace treaty Shitenkova Elena conference
2008-12 內外在政經形勢變化下的兩岸經貿交流與合作 魏艾 conference
2008-01 當前全球經濟危機下的兩岸經貿關係—兼論兩岸經貿關係正常化機制的可行模式 魏艾 conference
2008-08 兩岸建立經貿關係正常化機制的機遇及問題--兼論兩岸簽訂綜合經濟合作協定的可行性 魏艾 conference
2008-04 中美經貿摩擦的政經意涵及其經濟影響 魏艾 conference 說明頁(895)
2007-01 「小三通」政策實施成效及其對兩岸經濟整合的意涵 魏艾 conference
2008-12 大躍進政策研究中的毛澤東權力圖像 關向光 conference
2005-06 小布希政府對中亞之政策, 林永芳 conference
2007-11 普丁時期俄羅斯的國家建造:政權類型、政治權威與領導表現 林永芳 conference
2008-05 Dilemmas of the Development of Civil Society in Russia 林永芳 conference
2005-03 歐洲社會主義國家轉型後之經濟情勢 洪美蘭 conference
2005-05 普欽總統第二屆任期對外政策之任務與挑戰 - 從二00五年年度國情咨文解讀 洪美蘭 conference