All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 151-175 of 311
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-10 The settlement of the Syrian businessmen in Turkey CHING-AN CHANG、CHING-AN CHANG conference
2018-08 [R]omantic is [that] which presents a sentimental theme in a fantastic form SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference
2015-08 ‘The desire of the moth for the star’: Emma’s Romantic Pursuit of Absolute Love in Madame Bovary SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference
2017-05 A City of Sadness: Sentimental Pain and Social Sympathy in Tetsuya Ishida`s Urban Paintings SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference
2018-04 Saving the World with Brushstrokes: Tetsuya Ishida’s “Self-Portraits of Others” SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference
2018-04 The Modernist Grotesque: Physical Deformity and Social Reform in Tetsuya Ishida’s Paintings SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference
2016-07 The Visual Language of Pain: Ishida’s Paintings as a Case Study SHUN-LIANG CHAO、SHUN-LIANG CHAO conference
2018-11 預知與自由的相容性問題:David Hunt的奧古斯丁式解決方案 YEUK-SIU LAU conference
2018-01 The Reconstruction of Chinese Local Scholars Biography in Sinitic texts : a discussion on the Interaction between Chinese Local Scholars and Joseon Envoys YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2016-06 十九世紀初朝清文人酬唱活動及交友路徑考略——以陳延恩《朝鮮詩翰》為中心 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-06 금강산 巖刻文을 통해 본 조선시대 지식인들의 山水遊覽 文化 –외금강산 玉流洞을 중심으로- YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-08 금강산 옥류동(玉流洞) 암각문(巖刻文)에 대한 일고찰 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-09 中韓燕行錄研究回顧與展望─—以元代賓王錄與明初燕行錄為中心 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2016-05 由《同文彙考》論朝鮮後期使臣對周邊國家的認識——以對臺灣鄭氏政權及安南西山阮朝的論述為中心 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2018-09 次韻詩를 통해 본 조선후기 연행록의 창작 및 가문의식의 표출 -18・19세기 홍양호와 홍경모의 연행시를 중심으로- YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-07 從如名節好,匹婦亦千秋:朝鮮燕行使對孟姜女的談論與賦詩 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-05 清代中國地方秀才迎朝鮮使臣的意義 ──以榆關秀才齊佩蓮為中心 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2014-07 朝鮮正祖朱子選本的編纂與中國文獻的關係-以《朱子選統》為中心 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-01 朝鮮後期 東南亞細亞에 대한 情報收集 活動과 對外認識-燕行使臣의 聞見報告에 나타난 緬甸과 暹羅에 대한 談論을 중심으로 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2018-11 연행록 인용과 변용 문제에 대한 일고찰–金正中 『燕行日記』와 柳寅睦 『燕行日記』를 중심으로– YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-12 연행록을 통한 淸代 地方 秀才 齊佩蓮의 생애 재구성 -조선 사신과의 교유와 그 의미를 겸론하여- YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2016-06 조선후기 朝中 三代神交 양상에 관한 일고찰 -洪敬謨 가문과 淸代 文人과의 교유를 중심으로 YU-YI LIN、Lin, Yu-yi conference
2017-05 The Glimmering Light of Truth: The Simple Preachers vs. a World of Liars in the Texts of the Plowman Tradition CHIH-HSIN LINCHIH-HSIN LIN conference
2018-01 Al-Iṣfahānī’s Fandom in the Kitāb al-Aġānī (The Book of Songs): An Analysis of the Biography of Ibn Surayǧ I-WEN SU、I-WEN SU conference