All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 176-200 of 311
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2018-05 The Taming of the Dissenters: the Soft Shīʿī Traditionists Move towards the Concept of the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs (al-khulafāʾ al-rāshidūn) in the Late Eighth and Early Ninth Centuries I-WEN SU、I-WEN SU conference
2014-04 Writing History under the patronage: the Representation of Sulaymān b. ʿAbd al-Malik in the Ansāb al-ashrāf I-WEN SU、I-WEN SU conference
2018-03 “What’s the purpose of using English-medium Instruction (EMI)?” Teacher Agency in Identity Construction in the EMI Contexts. YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG conference
2018-12 CLIL in Visual Arts. YI-PING HUANG、Huang, Yi-Ping*、Luo, Wen-Hsing conference
2018-12 Teacher Agency in Negotiating Preferable Teacher Identities: CLIL in Arts in Primary Education in Taiwan. YI-PING HUANG、YI-PING HUANG conference
2018-12 The Functions of Must-constructions in Spoken Corpus: A Constructionist Perspective HUEI-LING LAI、Lai, Huei-ling、蔡慈娟* conference
2017-06 구어에 나타난 종결어미 ‘-다’의 문법 기술에 관련된 몇 문제 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2015-06 대만 한국어 학습사전에 대한 기초 연구- 학습자의 사전 사용양상 조사를 중심으로 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2016-06 인용 융합형 종결어미 ‘-다니’에 대한 연구: -의외성의 관점을 중심으로- KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2017-04 한국어 ‘돈’에 관한 비유적 개념화 양상 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2014-02 한국어 조사 ‘를’과 중국어 전치사 ‘把’에 대한 대조적 고찰 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2014-06 한국어 종결어미 ‘-더라’와 중국어 ‘來着’의 대조적 고찰 -증거성 표지 의 관점으로- KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2017-11 한국어 환유표현의 조응현상 – 항진명제 구문을 중심으로 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2017-02 환유의 관점에서 본 한국어 반복 구문 KUAN-CHAO CHEN、CHEN, KUAN-CHAO conference
2019 西班牙1978年憲法的制定與施行40年之觀察 YA-JU SHIN、YA-JU SHIN conference
2016-11 Dementia and (Post)Romanticism in Arno Geiger’s ‘Der alte König in seinem Exil’ (The old king in his exile) MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI conference
2018-11 Der „Stern des Orients“: Das Schrift-Bild Else Lasker-Schülers. MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI conference
2017-05 Die Auflösung von/einer Geschichte. Tilman Jens’ Roman Demenz. Abschied von meinem Vater MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI conference
2018-01 Tierfiguren in den Texten Yoko Tawadas MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI、MONIKA LEIPELT-TSAI conference
2018-11 現代化下的開羅都市發展與居住危機:回顧與分析 CHING-JEN WANG、Wang, Ching-Jen  conference pdf(269)
2018-11 On Tag Questions in Chinese: From the Perspective of Confirmation versus Information Questions ONE-SOON HER、ONE-SOON HER、Chen, Yupin conference
2018-12 Influences of learner’s L2 English on their conceptualization of time in L1 Mandarin CHIUNG-CHIH HUANGCHIUNG-CHIH HUANG、KAN-YU YEH conference
2017 Taiwan Mandarin Tone Sandhi Variation of the Intonational Phrasing in Fast Speech YI-JEN CHEN、Chen, Yi Jen conference
2018-01 文本—文化場域—歷史:從文化符號學角度分析《怒吼吧,中國!》 TING-CHIA YENTING-CHIA YEN conference web page(237)
2017-11 Critical rereading the work "Soviet Russia in China`` by Chiang Kai – Shek// YING-CHUAN LAIYING-CHUAN LAI conference web page(369)