All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings)

Showing 801-825 of 1956
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2009-08 第一回高砂義勇隊出發前繫的台灣:1940年日軍南進的系譜 SHIZUE FUJIISHIZUE FUJII conference
2009-05 台灣原住民「祖靈」觀的變遷與課題 SHIZUE FUJIISHIZUE FUJII conference
2009-05 「祭祖」的文化--以高砂義勇隊為例 SHIZUE FUJIISHIZUE FUJII conference
2007-11 日本茶道中的飲食文化--懷石料理 SHIZUE FUJIISHIZUE FUJII conference
2006-11 日本對台灣原住民族所犯的國家犯罪 SHIZUE FUJIISHIZUE FUJII conference
1998-12 近代日本的「傷痕」中的高砂義勇隊 SHIZUE FUJIISHIZUE FUJII conference
2007-12 日語引用動詞及變化動詞語法化現象之探討-以「iu」「omou」「suru」「naru」為例- WEN-LANG SOO conference
2006-12 有關日語變化表達句中語義轉化現象之探討-以語義自發化、可能化為中心 WEN-LANG SOO conference
2009-11 Incorporation of Service Learning in College English: Impacts on L2 Writers’ Invention Process YI-CHUN LIU conference
2009-06 Computer Mediated Miscommunication: Influences of Virtual Context and Power on Email Discourse YI-CHUN LIU conference
2009-05 Holistic Learning of Academic Writing: Constructing Writing Identity through Service Learning YI-CHUN LIU conference
2008-12 When EFL Students Meet NES Students in Virtual Communities: Cross-Cultural Communication through E-mail Writing YI-CHUN LIU conference
2009-04 Critical Thinking Development Evidenced in EFL Classrooms CHENG-FANG TSUI conference
2005-01 Persistence and its social contexts: an ethnographic study of American Chinese-American and Taiwanese college students CHENG-FANG TSUI conference
2005-01 Concept of ability vs. achievement: Searching for cross-cultural evidence CHENG-FANG TSUI conference
2008-12 The Design and Implementation of an English Mobile Learning Activity YUN-TING CHE conference
2008-03 台灣之大學生對於「中文拼音」使用能力之研究 CHIH-MIN CHOU conference
2006-11 College Students’ Perceived Strategy Use in Comprehending English News Stories CHIA-JUNG TANG conference
2008-08 The educational aspect of formative assessments in L2 oral skill – a learner perspective SHU-CHEN HUANG conference
2009-03 Corpora in the classroom: Data-Driven Learning for Freshman English 史尚明 conference
2009 Automatic Cloze Generation for English Proficiency Testing 史尚明 conference
2008 Corpus Linguistics, Computer Tools, and Applications - State of the Art 史尚明 conference
2008 Automatic cloze generation: getting sentences and distractors from corpora 史尚明 conference
2008 Learning words right with the Sketch Engine and WebBootCat: Automatic cloze generation from corpora and the web 史尚明 conference
2008 Learning words right with the Sketch Engine: Meaningful lexical acquisition from corpora and the web 史尚明 conference