All Of Publications(Limit:College of Foreign Languages and Literature、Proceedings)

Showing 1476-1500 of 1877
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-12 臺灣客語語料庫建置與初步資料分析 賴惠玲、Lai, Huei-ling conference pdf(185)
2021-07 A Corpus-based Approach to Shell Nouns Analysis in Dcard Social Platform 鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong conference pdf(219)
2021-07 A Malay Daily News Corpus with Morphological and POS Tagging by the MorphInd Tagger 鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong conference pdf(237)
2021-07 An Analysis of Mandarin Resultative Verb Compound V-jìn (盡)—A Corpus-based Study 鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong conference pdf(245)
2021-07 Chinese Semantic Role Sketch based on Sinica Treebank 鍾曉芳Chung, Siaw-Fong conference pdf(171)
2020-11 How Modern Technology Brings Ghosts Back in Ringu and Its Impact on Horror Films 曾靖芳 conference pdf(202)
2020-03 Deconstructing the Domestic Ideal: The Formation of a Narcissist in Mary Shelley`s Frankenstein 盧虹蓁、Lu, Hung-Chen conference pdf(183)
2020-01 Matthew Lewis` Gothicizing Looking-Glass; or, His Gothic Project(ion) of the Non-British Other in The Monk 吳承翰、Wu, Cheng-Han conference pdf(174)
2020-10 Gothic Dream and Space: Indeterminacy in Nathaniel Hawthorne`s "The Celestial Railroad" 李明、Lee, Ming conference pdf(166)
2020-10 James’s Formal Experimentation in Sympathy and Suffering in The Portrait of Lady 蘇俞文、Su, Yu-Wen conference pdf(157)
2020-04 Transformation and Agency of Graduate Students` Cross-contextual English Academic Literacies from an Activity Theory Perspective 宋蓓蓓、Song, Bei-Bei conference pdf(154)
2021-04 Трагикомизм в пьесе Л. Андреева «Любовь к ближнему» 江杰翰、Чиан, Чиан Ч. conference pdf(151)
2021-05 Чеховская традиция в драме Л. Андреева «Собачий вальс» 江杰翰、Чиан, Чиан Ч. conference pdf(95)
2021-05 Образы молодежи в советском и тайваньском реалистическом кино шестидесятых годов 吳佳靜、Wu, Chia-ching conference pdf(179)
2008-08 Language and culture: Place naming derived from animal names in Taiwan indigenous languages 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa、Chao, Tsung-Yi conference pdf(153)
2008-08 Language, place and identity: The politics of place and language in the formation of indigenous identity in Hualien, Taiwan 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa conference pdf(175)
2008-04 Sakizaya or Amis?: A hidden ethnic group in Taiwan 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa conference pdf(137)
2009-07 Some difference between Sakizaya and Amis 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa conference pdf(174)
2021-05 Some differences between Czech and Chinese in the Grammatical Categories: With a focus on Tense and Aspect 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa conference pdf(124)
2021-05 Some discussions on the specific grammatical categories of Czech and Chinese 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa conference 說明頁(351)
2021-01 以學生為中心的數位教學模組開發 - 以政治大學捷克語課程為例 林蒔慧、Lin, Shih-Hui Melissa conference
2020-01 進階俄語聽力課程運用數位教學輔助之成效觀察 葉相林Yeh, Hsiang-lin、Сянлинь, Е conference
2020-04 Phonological opacity in Leling disyllabic tone sandhi 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau E. conference 說明頁(285)
2019-07 Simplifying the Complexities in Shandong Leling Tone Sandhi 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau E. conference pdf(106)
2019-06 Tonal behavior of classifiers in iGeneration Taiwanese 蕭宇超Hsiao, Yuchau E. conference pdf(187)