All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 351-375 of 778
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2014-10 「反右」前後的中國電影與電影人 FU-CHUNG LI conference pdf(844)
2013-06 日本上代文學中之老人的造形與機能--以《古事記》之老人形象中的「對照性」為中心 CHIA-YU CHENG article pdf(317)
2014-08 1940~60年代上海與香港都市傳奇小說跨區域傳播現象論--以易金的小說創作與企畫編輯為例 翁智琦、須文蔚、翁智琦、顏訥 article pdf(1601)
2016-03 Imaginer le Chinois en Asie : une étude des suppléments littéraires des journaux du Guomindang de 1950 à 1960. 翁智琦 conference pdf(674)
2013-12 五○年代香港連載小說研究 ──以《新生晚報‧新趣》副刊為研究對象 翁智琦 conference pdf(1416)
2013-07 流亡時代的香港書寫:趙滋蕃《半下流社會》與邱永漢《香港》 翁智琦 conference pdf(1604)
2013-06 The Comical Body: Another Nativist Literature in Taiwan 翁智琦 conference pdf(543)
2012-08 不可告人的鄉愁:振鴻《歉海的人》的精神原鄉及其文學位置 翁智琦 conference pdf(827)
2015-04 從《黃埔訓練集》看蔣中正對黃埔軍校學生的教育訓練 WEI-KAI LIU conference pdf(1950)
2015-05 《神學論集》1969-2014教父專文之回顧與整理 IEE-MING CHANG conference pdf(1258)
2014-06 面對憂患與壓力,宗徒教父們的盼望由何而來? IEE-MING CHANG conference pdf(840)
2014-05 李豐楙「常S非常」之整理與對基督宗教適應台灣民間宗教文化之初探 IEE-MING CHANG conference pdf(1248)
2010-07 巡弋失樂園:雲南白族觀音佛國的政治建構 YU-CHEN LI、YU-CHEN LI conference pdf(457)
2012-06 禪修傳統的復興與東西交流—以聖嚴法師為例 YU-CHEN LI、YU-CHEN LI conference pdf(761)
2016-01 語境傳承:聖嚴法師的文字化禪修 YU-CHEN LI、YU-CHEN LI conference pdf(881)
2014-11 Path analyses of how students develop conceptual knowledge and inquiry skills in a simulation-based inquiry environment CHIH-MING CHEN、Chang, H.-Y.、Hsu, Y.-S.、Wu, H.-K.、CHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(716)
2016-06 Effects of mobile game-based English vocabulary learning app on learners` perceptions and learning performance: A case study of Taiwanese EFL learners CHIH-MING CHEN、Yen, Lin、CHIH-MING CHEN、Huang, Hong Bin conference web page(819)
2016-06 Assessing effects of information architecture of digital museums on supporting e-learning CHIH-MING CHEN、Sun, Hsien Chieh、CHIH-MING CHEN conference web page(824)
2016-06 An optimized group formation scheme considering knowledge level, learning roles, and interaction relationship for promoting collaborative problem-based learning performance CHIH-MING CHEN、郭旗雄、Liu, Chen Yu、CHIH-MING CHEN、Kuo, Chi Hsiung conference web page(656)
2016-06 Effects of the design factors of skill training game on learning performance and emotion CHIH-MING CHEN、胡琬琪、Chen, Chun Yi、CHIH-MING CHEN、Hu, Wan Chi conference web page(647)
2016-06 Effects of attention monitoring and alarm mechanism on promoting e-learning performance CHIH-MING CHEN、Huang, Yi Chen、CHIH-MING CHEN、Guo, Jian Cheng conference web page(847)
2016-01 Assessing the Attention Levels of Students by Using a Novel Attention Aware System Based on Brainwave Signals CHIH-MING CHEN、Yang, Shin Min、CHIH-MING CHEN、Yu, Chih Ming conference web page(937)
2016-01 Effects of Different Video Lecture Types on Sustained Attention, Emotion, Cognitive Load, and Learning Performance CHIH-MING CHEN、Wang, Wen Fang、CHIH-MING CHEN、Wu, Chung Hsin conference web page(757)
2016-01 Enhancement of Digital Reading Performance by Using a Novel Web-Based Collaborative Reading Annotation System with Two Quality Annotation Extraction Mechanisms CHIH-MING CHEN、Lin, Yu Chieh、CHIH-MING CHEN、Huang, Po Han conference web page(718)
2017-02 Taiwanese War Criminals and Transnational Issues in the Postwar International Order, 1945-1955 [in Japanese] SHI-CHI LAN article web page(548)