All Of Publications(Limit:College of Liberal Arts、Proceedings)

Showing 2901-2925 of 3083
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2022-09 宿緣/夙緣中的家:重思家庭照顧倫理 陳薈雅 conference web page(100)
2023-08 On the subjectivity of patient: Injustice and dialogue between physician-patient relationship in light of Gadamer’s hermeneutics 邱逢霖、Iao, Fong Lam conference pdf(133)
2019-06 自然化的困局 邱逢霖 conference web page(111)
2022-11 作為學問的Wissenschaft:從海德格與狄爾泰的科學觀 論起 邱逢霖 conference web page(100)
2022-12 治療中的理解或理解中的治療——論醫病關係的雙向性 邱逢霖 conference pdf(156)
2022-03 經驗的擺渡——論高達美與狄爾泰的經驗概念 邱逢霖 conference pdf(95)
2023-06 論高達美的主體性概念史 邱逢霖 conference pdf(106)
2024-04 以對話為基礎的華語文跨文化溝通素養教學從「教什麼」到「如何學」 HUANG,YA-YING HUANG、Huang, Ya-Ying conference pdf(134)
2024-01 1950年代香港媒體的跨境傳播:以《自由人》的管制操作為中心 GUO-SIAN LIN conference web page(203)
2023-03 元、明時期的文人道士與道士文人群體及其文學特色 CHEN-HUNG KAO conference pdf(0)
2023-10 道教「變神」儀式及觀念探析 CHEN-HUNG KAO conference pdf(150)
2023-10 楊時喬圖書《易》學研究——以先後天成卦之圖說為主體 RUI- HONG CHEN conference pdf(119)
2023-09 楊時喬圖書易學研究——以〈河圖〉與〈洛書〉為主體 RUI- HONG CHEN conference pdf(94)
2012-06 論敦煌五兆之法的占筮之說 RUI- HONG CHEN conference web page(185)
2018-12 觀看現代.感覺都市:中國現代文學中的「肉感」之一種 SHUO-WIN CHEN conference web page(92)
2024-01 Cyborg of Industrialization: Disaffected Bodies in Factory and Factory Complex PEI-JEAN CHEN conference
2023-12 「1+1=1+1」:臺灣定位與前期佐藤政權對中臺政策 NAOKI MAEDA conference pdf(4)
2023-08 The Healing Function of Taiwan Avalokitesvara Buddha (Guanyin Fozu) YU-CHEN LI conference pdf(111)
2023-05 唯心聖教的文化與宗教槓桿 YU-CHEN LI conference pdf(111)
2023-12 我们自身的异域风情:以德斯科拉重看华人社会的类思维 KAI MARCHAL conference pdf(79)
2023-02 Updating Contexts: Ignorance and Concession YI-HSUN CHEN、Chen, Yi-Hsun conference web page(119)
2023-07 A Game-based Augmented Reality Navigation System to Support Makerspace User Education in a University Library CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Hsieh, Ching-Yu、Yang, Ya-Chu conference web page(201)
2023-07 Developing a Collaborative Writing System with Visualization Interaction Network Analysis to Facilitate Online Learning Performance and Technology Acceptance CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Lo, Yu-Han、Li, Ming-Chaun、Liao, Cheng-Kai conference web page(199)
2023-07 Enhancing Learning Performance with Interactive Test Dashboard and Diagnostic Feedback Mechanisms CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Liu, Ting-Yu、Li, Ming-Chaun、Hsu, Wei-Tung conference web page(149)
2023-07 Inquiry-based Learning with a Digital Humanities Research Platform’s Support to Facilitate Students’ Historical Learning Performance and Satisfaction CHIH-MING CHENCHIH-MING CHEN、Guo, Pei-Yu、Li, Ming-Chaun、Chen, Chin-Yu conference web page(135)