All Of Publications(Limit:College of Law、Proceedings)

Showing 526-550 of 754
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2019-04 從全球法角度談南極治理的主體多元性 許耀明、Hsu, Yao-Ming conference
2018-12 人性尊嚴的價值與崇高—康德美學與當代憲政秩序的對話 江玉林Chiang, Yu-Lin conference
2015-09 木刻敘事與控訴—再現黃榮燦〈恐怖的檢查〉 江玉林Chiang, Yu-Lin conference
2018-11 法律圖像學:文化、歷史、社會的反思 江玉林Chiang, Yu-Lin conference
2018 Strafrechtliche Risikosteuerung als Aufgabe des modernen Staates?(刑法的風險調控作為現代國家的任務?) 許恒達、Hsu, Heng-Da conference
2017 台灣商業賄賂罪立法評析 許恒達、Hsu, Heng-Da conference
2018 析論原因自由行為明文規範十年來的實務暨學理發展 許恒達、Hsu, Heng-Da conference
2018 食品安全衛生管理法刑事責任之檢討:以強冠劣油案為中心 許恒達、Hsu, Heng-Da conference
2019-04 Investment in the EU by third countries 許耀明、Hsu, Yao-Ming conference
2018 預付型商品之抗辯延伸 楊淑文Yang, Shwu Wen conference
2018 Neither Rule of Man nor Rule of Law—A Rationalist Reading of Plato’s Legal Philosophy 謝坤龍、Hsieh, Kun Lung conference pdf(198)
2018-07 The New Textualism and Democracy 謝坤龍、Hsieh, Kun Lung conference
2017-02 Hotspot Issues of Regulation on Enforcement of Standard-Essential Patent 王立達、Wang, Richard Li-dar conference
2017-03 Regulating the Enforcement of Standard-Essential Patents: Perspectives from Taiwan 王立達、Wang, Richard Li-dar conference
2017-12 How Emotion and Subjectivity Shape Legal Consciousness: A Family Conflict in Taiwan 王曉丹Wang, Hsiao-Tan conference
2017-09 我們可以從房思琪學到什麼?──強暴、自我、主體與法律,主題演講 王曉丹Wang, Hsiao-Tan conference
2018.05 情感、正義與主體──跨越身體界線的政治性,主題演講 王曉丹Wang, Hsiao-Tan conference
2017-11 衝突,可以如何解決?──法律人類學觀點 王曉丹Wang, Hsiao-Tan conference
2016-05 生醫研究中的利益衝突(conflict of interest)議題及其規範 劉宏恩Liu, Hung-En conference
2019-09 舞在耦合結構:訪析李茂生老師的系統論研究時期 許恒達、Hsu, Heng-Da conference
2019-12 The Changing Sense of Community:Relational Legal Consciousness and Neighborhood conflicts in Taiwan 王曉丹Wang, Hsiao-Tan conference 說明頁(534)
2019-11 Les actes médicaux dans l’intérêt d’autrui : perspectives à Taiwan 許耀明、Hsu, Yao-Ming conference 說明頁(279)
2019-09 Registration of Parent-Child Relationship for Child Born through Surrogacy Arrangement: the ECHR’s advisory opinion of 10 April 2019 and beyond 許耀明、Hsu, Yao-Ming conference 說明頁(273)
2016-06 刑事沒收新制(實體法與程序法)之內容與挑戰 李聖傑Lee, Sheng-Chieh conference 說明頁(259)
2017-12 吹哨者保護法法制 李聖傑Lee, Sheng-Chieh conference 說明頁(184)