All Of Publications(Limit:College of Science、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 401-425 of 444
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2000 Licking performance on a choice procedure under dopamine receptor blockade in the rat 廖瑞銘Wang, S. H. conference
2008-08 Exploring the differentiating factors of non-delinquency, early-onset and late-onset delinquency Hsu Wen-Yau許文耀、Tseng Yu-Han conference
2008-06 sleep related cognition and behavior of chronic insomniac patients comorbid with depression or anxiety Chen, C、Tsai, Y、Yang, C. M.Wang, Z、Zheng, X、Chen, H、 楊建銘 conference
2008-03 以干擾睡眠的行為意圖探討青少年的睡眠問題 陳柏邑、楊建銘、廖幸儀、周舒翎 conference
2008-03 以計畫行為理論探討青少年睡眠行為之認知因素 廖幸儀、楊建銘、張本聖、鄭中平 conference
2008-03 原發性失眠患者夜間醒後再入睡的訊息處理---ERP研究 黃彥霖、蔡明潔、楊建銘 conference
2008-03 高中生睡眠規律性與學業表現的關係 周舒翎、楊建銘 conference
2008-03 伴隨失眠的阻塞型睡眠呼吸終止症及單純阻塞型睡眠呼吸終止症患者在睡眠相關變項、生活改變事件與不良睡眠衛生習慣的差異比較--病例對照研究 陳明輝、丁化、楊建銘 conference
2008-03 失眠認知行為治療之療效與預測因子 楊建銘、林詩維 conference
2007-06 Anxiety symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Chen, N. H.、Yang, C. M.、Wu, C. S.、楊建銘 conference
2007-06 The role of trait vulnerability to sleep disturbance in the moderation of the relationships between stress and sleep quality Chen, J.、Yang, C. M.、Chou, C.、 楊建銘 conference
2007-06 Psychometric properties of the sleep hygiene practice scale Lin, S. C.、Cheng, C.、Yang, C. M.、Hsui, S. C.、 楊建銘 conference
2007-06 Maladaptive sleep hygiene practices in good sleepers and insomnia patients Yang, C. M.、Lin, S. C.、Hsui, S. C.、Chen, C .、 楊建銘 conference
2007-06 Dysfunctional sleep cognition and vulnerability to stress-related sleep disturbance Chen, J.、Chou, C.、Yang, C. M.楊建銘 conference
2007-06 Subjective experiences during sleep-onset process Han, H. Y.、Huang, Y. L.、Wu, Y. R.、Tsai, M. C.、Liao, Y. S.、Yang, C. M. 楊建銘 conference
2007-03 睡眠研究中的視訊分析與處理 黃思瑜、廖文宏、楊建銘、蔡明潔 conference
2007-03 睡眠初始階段的經驗變化與睡著預測指標 韓慧雅、楊建銘、黃彥霖 conference
2007-03 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症患者伴隨失眠之非藥物處置:個案報告 陳明輝、楊建銘、陳濘宏 conference
2007-03 中部地區重度睡眠呼吸疾患CPAP使用順從度初探 陳明輝、丁化、何介文、楊建銘 conference
2007-03 伴隨PLMD失眠患者與原發性失眠患者睡眠相關心理與行為特質的差異 黃彥霖、楊建銘、蔡明潔 conference
2007-03 合併憂鬱、焦慮的慢性失眠患者其睡眠習慣與信念之探討 陳昌偉、蔡昀霖、楊建銘 conference
2007-03 原發性失眠患者的睡眠信念及睡前激發狀態 蔡明潔、楊建銘、黃彥霖 conference
2007-03 Anxiety symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Wu, C. S.、Yang, C. M.、Chen, N. H.、 楊建銘 conference
2007-03 阻塞型呼吸中止症患者的自主神經系統變化 吳家碩、楊建銘、陳濘宏 conference
2007-03 大學生在暑假結束時的睡眠困擾 薛旭任、楊建銘、陳昌偉、林家源 conference