All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 301-325 of 412
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2003-06 英國在美伊戰爭中的策略與角色 YI-HUA KAN conference
2002-08 歐美對國際刑事法院設立之爭議 YI-HUA KAN conference
2005-12 歐盟與美國:『柔性平衡』或『硬性平衡』? YI-HUA KAN conference
2004-04 英國對臺灣總統大選的態度 YI-HUA KAN conference
2000 區域整合中之修約理論與阿姆斯特丹條約談判過程-移民相關規定之個案研究 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2007-10 從人權角度剖析歐盟打擊非法移民之策略 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2007-12 European Integration and Democracy CHIEN-YI LU conference
2007-12 中小型國家外交政策-愛爾蘭 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2008-05 愛爾蘭外交政策之發展軌跡 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2008-12 The Lisbon Treaty and the Return to the Silent Public CHIEN-YI LU conference
2007-03 The Public Shpere as Missing Legitimating Link in the EU Governance CHIEN-YI LU conference
2008-12 兩岸關係的新紀元雙賽局的分析 SHAO-CHENG TANG conference
2008-12 歐盟與兩岸(1996-2007)--一個內容分析 SHAO-CHENG TANG conference
2007-11 中東地區恐怖主義發展及其對區域安全情勢之影響 TUNG-YEH WU conference
2007-05 核子安全與國際法 HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
2007-12 2007年我國參與國際組織概況 HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
2007-12-7.8 The European Union and the Independence of Montenegro: Implications for Cross-Strait Relations HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
2007-12-01 瑞士外交政策發展經驗 HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
2004-12 Foreign Policy and International Participation – On Taiwan`s Diplomatic Initiatives and Participation in IGOs and NGOs CHEN-SHEN YEN conference
2005-11 Democratic Consolidation and Democratic Governance in Taiwan CHEN-SHEN YEN conference
2006-11 Implications of the Rise of China for Africa: A Model, a Partner or a Competitor CHEN-SHEN YEN conference
2007-05 Democratization and Australia/Taiwan Relations CHEN-SHEN YEN conference
2008-04 China`s Grand Strategy in the Pursuit of African Oil CHEN-SHEN YEN conference
2008-05 瑞典中立主義外交調整困難 鄭端耀 conference
2007-09 Will Taiwan Go Nuclear? SHUH-FAN DING conference