All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Proceedings、2020-2029)

Showing 1-25 of 48
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2020-05 Political Trust, Hierarchical Trust, and Protest Participation: Evidence from China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、Chen, Yen-Hsin、WAN-YING YANG conference web page(44)
2020-03 The Efficacy of the US Freedom of Navigation Operations in the South China Sea HSIU-AN HSIAO、Hsiao, Anne pdf(217)
2021-05 Governing Status and Campaign Promises: A Study of the 2016 Taiwanese Legislative Election SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG conference pdf(1)
2020 張巴拿巴的中國本土神學:以《角聲報》為主要材料的探討 HSIEN CHIN YEH、Iap, Sian-Chin conference pdf(233)
2021-05 Taiwan Citizens' Attitudes toward the Taiwan-US-China Triangle Relation CHING-HSIN YUCHING-HSIN YU、 Lin Tsong-jyi conference web page(373)
2020-05 The Impact of Concurrent Campaigns on Referendum Voting : The Case of Taiwan in 2018 CHING-HSIN YUCHING-HSIN YU conference web page(338)
2020-12 統獨議題與政黨社會基礎的分析 CHING-HSIN YUCHING-HSIN YU conference web page(275)
2020-12 威脅下的台灣認同與2020年總統選舉 SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG conference web page(272)
2021-10 Pulling Tiger`s Tail: Why Taiwanese Are Balancing China? CHI HUANGCHING-HSIN YUCHI HUANG、 Yu, Chin-hsin conference web page(336)
2021-10 Change and Continuity of Political Trust among the Electorate in Taiwan TSUNG-HAN TSAI、LU-HUEI CHEN、TSUNG-HAN TSAI、LU-HUEI CHEN conference web page(223)
2021-11 Do Waves of Democracy Matter? Comparing Citizenship Norms and Political Participation in Different Democracies ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference pdf(233)
2021-09 Media Use and Political Polarization in Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(382)
2020-10 Presidential Approval Rating in Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(275)
2021-12 Rally around the Jab? COVID-19 Vaccine Policy and Presidential Approval Rating in Taiwan ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(334)
2020-11 The Role of Polling in Taiwan’s Election ERIC CHEN-HUA YU、Yu, Chen-hua conference web page(323)
2021-10 How China Factor Mediate Personality Effect on Party Preference in Taiwan? LU-HUEI CHENLU-HUEI CHEN conference web page(267)
2021-10 The China Factor and Taiwan`s 2020 Presidential Election SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG conference web page(234)
2021-10 Threat Perception and Taiwan’s 2020 Presidential Election SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG conference web page(302)
2022-05 Indigenous Women Candidates and Their Campaigns in the Local Council Elections SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、 Lin, Chiung Chu conference pdf(53)
2021-11 Toward an EU Indo-Pacific Strategy: Observations on the Interpretations and Reactions from China HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
2022-09 China Threats and Taiwan Citizens’ Support for the 1992 Consensus SU-FENG CHENG conference pdf(125)
2022-11 Strategic Clarity and Taiwan Citizens’ Confidence in U.S. Security Commitment SU-FENG CHENGSU-FENG CHENG、Wang, T.Y. conference web page(194)
2023-04 Disciplining Officials or Embracing Populism? Examining Xi Jinping’s Domestic Travels HSIN-HSIEN WANG、WEI-FENG TZENG conference web page(101)
2023-04 No Turning Back? Assessing China’s Intention to Use Force in Solving the Taiwan Issue after 2018 HSIN-HSIEN WANG、WEI-FENG TZENG conference web page(167)
2023-07 Impulsive action measured by a differential reinforcement of low-rate-response (DRL) schedule NAI-SHING YEN、Su, C. I.、Yang, T. H.、Huang, Y. T.、Chang, T. T.、RUEY-MING LIAONAI-SHING YEN conference