All Of Publications(Limit:Affiliated Centers 、Proceedings)

Showing 51-75 of 745
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2005-10 從歐盟制憲經驗看歐盟民主赤字問題 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2005-04 Deliberative Democracy European Public Sphere and the European Convention CHIEN-YI LU conference
2004-10 歐盟內部「非歐盟公民」之權利分析 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2003-12 The EU Constitutionalization and Integration Theories CHIEN-YI LU conference
2002-12 九一一以來「歐洲公民」概念與實踐之新發展 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2002-05 九一一後歐盟境管措施之調整 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2002-01 歐盟移民及邊境管相關政策之新發展 CHIEN-YI LU conference
2006-12 Some Preliminary Reflection on EU`s Role in the Montenegrin Independence and Its Implications HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
1999-10 歐洲安全情勢變化對兩岸關係之意義及影響 TUNG-YEH WU conference
2006-04 新國際秩序下的中立概念 HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
2005-11 Current Development of Taiwan`s Domestic Politics HSIU-AN HSIAO conference
1997-08 Dying But Dying-Hard:Taiwan`s Multi-Member District with SNTV Electoral System TUNG-YEH WU conference
1997-01 後冷戰時期德國亞洲政策之研究 TUNG-YEH WU conference
1996-04 Regional Economic Integration through Market Strategies of Transnational Corporations: Allying with Taiwanese Industries for the Greater China Market FU-KUO LIU conference
2007-05 Constitution-Making and the Search for a European Public Sphere CHIEN-YI LU conference pdf(1752)
2007-04 中國大陸教育改革 劉勝驥 conference
2007-04 中國大陸教育改革 劉勝驥 conference
2006-03 中國民辦教育的問題與發展 劉勝驥 conference
2006-03 中國民辦教育的問題與發展 劉勝驥 conference
1994 兩岸科技交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1993-03 海峽兩岸文化交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1993-03 海峽兩岸文化交流之研究 劉勝驥 conference
1992-12 中國大陸民辦高等教育之展望 劉勝驥 conference
1992-12 中國大陸民辦高等教育之展望 劉勝驥 conference
2004-03 機遇與挑戰:中共振興東北戰略評析 江振昌 conference