All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics、Proceedings)

Showing 351-375 of 1215
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2004-09 利用自然語言處理技術自動產生英文克漏詞試題之研究 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2004-08 Using mutual information for adaptive student assessments CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2004-08 Using lexical constraints for corpus-based generation of multiple-choice cloze items CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-lin、 Wang, Chun-Hung、 Gao, Zhao-Ming conference pdf(408)
2003-12 基於主題資訊賦予特徵不同比重之摘要系統 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2003-12 適性化線上英語聽寫測驗系統之研究 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2003-12 電腦輔助英文字彙出題系統之研究 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2003-12 賭博案件起訴書文句分類之研究 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2003-10 Traffic sign recognition in disturbing environments CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2003-10 Some case-refinement strategies for case-based criminal summary judgments CHAO-LIN LIU、CLiu, Chao-lin 、 Tseng-chung Chang conference pdf(232)
2003-06 Classification and clustering for case-based criminal summary judgments CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu,Chao-Lin、Chang,Cheng-Tsung、Ho,Jim-How conference pdf(862)
2003-04 A Web-based assessment and profiling system for college English CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin conference pdf(462)
2003-03 Ontology-based text summarization for business news articles CHAO-LIN LIU、Wu, Chia-wei 、 Liu, Chao-lin conference pdf(498)
2002-12 應用本體論設計與建置摘要系統 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2002-11 我國簡易刑事判決的製作輔助系統 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2002-11 干擾狀況下之交通標誌偵測及辨識 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2002-09 Advances in applying stochastic-dominance relationships to bounding probability distributions in Bayesian networks CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin conference pdf(543)
2002-09 Best-path planning for public transportation systems CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2001-12 Toward font identification for printed Chinese characters CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2001-09 Route-information management and provision for public transportation systems CHAO-LIN LIU、Liu, Chao-Lin 、 Pai, Tun-Wen 、 Huang, Shang-Ming 、 Chang, Chun-Tien conference pdf(398)
2001-08 Path-planning algorithms for public transportation systems CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2001-08 中文動詞自動分類研究 CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2001-04 IRIS: integrated route information service for multimodal public transportation systems CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2000-11 An educational application of integrated route information service on the Internet CHAO-LIN LIU conference
1999-10 Using stochastic-dominance relationships for bounding travel times in stochastic networks CHAO-LIN LIU conference
2009 Processing Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Range Queries over Moving Objects with Uncertainty LIANG-PEI CHEN、Chen, Arbee L.P. conference pdf(888)