All Of Publications(Limit:College of Informatics、Proceedings)

Showing 201-225 of 1215
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-01 Hydrangea: A Hybrid Ontology Directed Feedback Generation Algorithm for Supporting Creative Problem Solving Dialogues H. C. Wang、R. Kumar、C. Roseacute、TSAI-YEN LI、C. Y. Chang、TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(571)
2006-05 A Time-Budgeted Collision Detection Method Y.T. Lin、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-12 Intelligent Third-Person Avatar Control for Virtual Environments S.W. Hsu、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-11 Using Hierarchical Virtual Force to Simulate Crowd Motions Y.H. Lyu、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2005-11 Simulating Crowd Motion Behavior with Evolutional Method T.S. Wang、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2003-09 Motion Planning for Humanoid Walking in a Layered Environment TSAI-YEN LI、P.F. Chen、P.Z. Huang conference
2002-08 An Assisted User Interface for 3D EXAMINE Mode Y.T. Lin、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2002-06 Data Collection and Analysis on a Personalized Networked Marketing Platform K.K. Liao、TSAI-YEN LI、S.L. Chung conference
2002-06 An Open Virtual Environment System with Efficient Data Management Y.L. Li、Y.L. Liu、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2001-12 An Open Multi-User Virtual Environment System with XML-based Message Delivery Y.L. Liu、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2001-11 Building an Incremental Learning Motion Planner with RRTs Y.C. Shie、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2001-11 Simulating Virtural Human Crowds with a Leader-Follower Model TSAI-YEN LI、Y.J.Jeng、S.I.Chang conference
2001-09 Planning Coordinated Motions for Multiple Virtual Human Crowds Y.J. Jeng、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2001-05 Motion Tracking Planning for an Intelligent Observer in 3D Workspace T.H. Yu、TSAI-YEN LI conference
2001-05 Path Planning with Incremental Roadmap Update for Large Environments TSAI-YEN LI、C.C. Chang conference
2000-12 An Intelligent 3D Navigation Interface for Large Virtual Environments TSAI-YEN LI、C.C. Chang conference
2000-05 Incorporating User Interaction in the Planning of Intelligent Tracking Motions TSAI-YEN LI、T.H. Yu conference
1996-10 On the Search of Mobile Agents, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications YAO-NAN LIEN conference
1996-05 An Infrastructure for Mobile Computing with Intelligent Messaging: Implementation Issues YAO-NAN LIEN、Chen Wen Shyen conference
1996-05 A Mobile Agent Service Network Prototype YAO-NAN LIEN、Yin Yenlin conference
1996-04 Intelligent Messaging for Mobile Computing over the World-Wide-Web YAO-NAN LIEN conference
1996-03 Client and Agent Mobility Management YAO-NAN LIEN conference
1996-01 ROSE: a Rapid OCR Software Development Environment YAO-NAN LIEN conference
1995-04 Design Philosophy of CCL Form Reader FR1000 YAO-NAN LIEN conference
1996-12 Multiagent Coordination in Tightly Coupled Task Scheduling JYI-SHANE LIU、 Katia Sycara conference pdf(701)