All Of Publications(Limit:2010 Conference papers、Proceedings)

Showing 151-175 of 334
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010-09-27 Human Rights and Transitional Justice: a Comparison of Taiwan and Its Enlightenment for China. 李怡俐、Lee, Yi-li conference 說明頁(1641)
2010-09-27 Whether Funu in Taiwan is the Second Sex Now? Stepanova, Elena Nickolaevna conference 說明頁(1618)
2010-09-27 Human Rights and Human Security in the Global Era: A Case Study on Human Trafficking in Transnational Organized Crime. 周志杰、Chou, Chih-Chieh conference 說明頁(1508)
2010-09-27 Power and Powerlessness of Indigenous People in Times of Transitional Justice –the Case of the Dao Enn, Rosa conference 說明頁(1490)
2010-11-20 閱讀印度史詩研討會 國立政治大學宗教研究所 conference 說明頁(931)
2010-11-20 西藏史詩格薩爾與摩訶婆羅多的比較 劉國威 conference pdf(760)
2010-11-20 明代漢譯藏傳密教文獻和西域僧團─兼談漢藏佛教使研究的語文學方法 沈衛榮 conference pdf(1820)
2010-11-20 薄伽梵歌的bhakti成分 賴顯邦 conference pdf(1794)
2010-11-20 The Inquiry into the Problems of Intercultural Adaptation:Peter Brook’s The Mahabharata(1989 Film)in Comparison with Indian TV Production(1988) 楊薇雲、Yang, Wei-Yun、劉季音、Liu, Niki Chi-Yin conference pdf(1228)
2010-11-20 Bhakti as Semiotic Affect in Folk and Literary Versions of the Ramayana 海柏、Haseltine, Patricia conference pdf(853)
2010-11-20 Vessantara Jataka中之布施行研究 釋法融 conference 說明頁(1216)
2010-11-20 《羅摩衍那》與佛教的交涉—排斥與接受 曹德啟 conference 說明頁(898)
2012-04-27 數位課程教學設計:政大圖書資訊學數位碩士班個案研究 王梅玲、Wang, Mei-Ling conference pdf(486)
2012-04-27 Personalized Learning in the Age of Mobile Connectivity: The Potential Impacts on Libraries and Digital Archives 黃龍翔、Wong, Lung Hsiang conference pdf(503)
2012-04-27 擴展讀者服務:數位學習在臺大圖書館的應用 童敏惠 conference pdf(498)
2012-04-27 A Personalised Interface for Structured Information Resources: Cognitive Style Mapping 陳攸華 conference 說明頁(984)
2010-03-11 由經營哲學之差異比較圖書館與博物館之編目工作 吳紹群、Wu, Shao-Chun conference pdf(410)
2010-03-11 文物詮釋資料標準之研探 陳和琴、Chen, Ho-Chin conference pdf(1196)
2010-03-11 知識機構家族在數位時代的知識管理 顧敏、Ku, Min conference pdf(545)
2010-03-11 中國近代文化資源整合的構想與實踐 梁繼紅、Liang, Ji-Hong conference 說明頁(726)
2010-03-11 圖書館、博物館與檔案館 建立圖書文物捐贈平台之初探 林玲君、Lin, Ling-Chun、許善惠、Hsu, Shan-Hui conference 說明頁(702)
2010-03-11 試以RDA與DACS發展探析知識組織內容標準之整合 王麗蕉 conference 說明頁(933)
2010-03-11 形塑典藏新生命‧創造故宮新價值—談國立故宮博物院的E化與U化 馮明珠 conference 說明頁(712)
2010-06-19 朝鮮半島風雲一甲子:韓戰60年紀念學術研討會 國際事務學院、韓國語文學系 conference 說明頁(610)
2010-06-19 韓國IT產業發展概述-兼論IT與文化 董達 conference pdf(1985)