All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 8401-8425 of 9448
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2007-03 合併憂鬱、焦慮的慢性失眠患者其睡眠習慣與信念之探討 陳昌偉、蔡昀霖、CHIEN-MING YANG conference
2007-03 原發性失眠患者的睡眠信念及睡前激發狀態 蔡明潔、CHIEN-MING YANG、黃彥霖 conference
2007-03 Anxiety symptoms in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome Wu, C. S.、CHIEN-MING YANG、Chen, N. H.、CHIEN-MING YANG conference
2007-03 阻塞型呼吸中止症患者的自主神經系統變化 吳家碩、CHIEN-MING YANG、陳濘宏 conference
2007-03 大學生在暑假結束時的睡眠困擾 薛旭任、CHIEN-MING YANG、陳昌偉、林家源 conference
2007-03 失眠認知行為治療的療效初探 林詩維、CHIEN-MING YANG、黃玉書、許世杰 conference
2006-06 Effect of tranquilizer and hypnotics in sleep architecture and autonomic status in short and long term usage in treatment of insomnia CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG、Lo, H. S.、Lo, H. G.、Ting, H.、Cheng, C. C. conference
2006-06 Cortical and autonomic activities preceding periodic limb movement in sleep Cheng, C. C.、CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG、Lo, H. S.、Lo, H. G.、Ting, H. conference
2006-06 The correlations between dysfunctional sleep beliefs and attitudes, maladaptive sleep practices, and pre-sleep arousals Hsu, S. C.、Lin, S. C.、CHIEN-MING YANGCHIEN-MING YANG conference
2006-06 Information processing during the beginning of sleep in patients with primary insomnia: An ERP study CHIEN-MING YANG、Tsai, M. C.、Lo, H. S、CHIEN-MING YANG conference
2004-09 原發性失眠患者睡眠中的訊息處理─ERP研究 黃彥霖、CHIEN-MING YANG、吳家碩、蔡明潔、羅孝穗 conference
2004-06 Determinants of CPAP acceptance in OSA patients CHIEN-MING YANG、Yang, C.、Chen, C. conference
2004-06 The effect of 24-hour sleep deprivation on startle responses associated with emotion-provoking pictures Lin, C.、Yang, C.、CHIEN-MING YANG conference
2004-06 Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder with and without obstructive sleep apnea-Outcome of Methylphenidate and surgical treatment Guilleminault, C.、Chen, N.、Huang, Y.、Li, H.、Yang, C.、Chen, H.、CHIEN-MING YANG conference
2004-06 The effects of sleep stages and time-of-the-night on event related potentials during sleep: preliminary results Yang, C.、CHIEN-MING YANG、Wu, C.、Huang, Y.、Tsai, M. conference
2004-03 影響睡眠呼吸中止症患者對於CPAP接受度的決定因子。 陳昌偉、CHIEN-MING YANG、陳濘宏 conference
2008-12 To Reinforce or To Mobilize? Tracing the Impact of Internet Use on Civic Engagement in Taiwan DON-YUN CHEN、Chung-Pin Lee conference pdf(1216)
2008-05 公共部門應用事前定向績效管理之反思 WAI-YIP SOWAI-YIP SO conference pdf(1088)
2008-05 新移民就業輔導政策與社會資本之研究 MIN-HSIU CHIANG、林育建 conference pdf(1182)
2008-05 檢視新公共服務之實踐:台灣社區治理制度現況 藍夏萍、CHYUNG-EN WU conference pdf(1313)
2008-05 我國偏遠鄉鎮數位落差之跨年分析:兼論數位機會中心之設置基礎 林綉雯、NAIYI HSIAO conference pdf(1173)
2008-05 從網絡關係檢視政府對於全球治理的因應:以我國參與京都議定書為例 許耿銘 conference pdf(824)
2008-05 電子化政府使用行為對於政治信任的影響—台灣的個案研究 TONG-YI HUANG、李仲彬 conference pdf(932)
2008-05 電子化政府計畫評估架構之建立與運用:以數位台灣分項計畫為例 NAIYI HSIAO、羅晉 conference pdf(938)
2008-05 電子化政府評估:內、外顧客服務鍊整合研究 YEH,SHANG-CHING、PIN-YU CHU conference pdf(1013)