All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2000-2009)

Showing 8751-8775 of 9448
Date Title Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2008-11-01 中國大陸地區的文化產業發展現況、問題與對策及前景展望 楊月如、Yang, Yue-Ru conference web page(1321)
2008-11-01 韓國文化創意產業:發展思路與取向 CHAO-TUNG WENCHAO-TUNG WEN conference web page(980)
2007-12 韓國諺語的漢語翻譯問題-以韓語教育的資訊處理為中心 QING-ZHI CHENBYUNG-SUN PARKLIEN-KONG TSAI conference pdf(598)
2007-12 한국어 속담 전자 사전 활용 연구 -중국어 화자 대상 한국어 교육을 중심으로- BYUNG-SUN PARKQING-ZHI CHENLIEN-KONG TSAI conference pdf(998)
2007 Using Formal Concept Analysis to Leverage Ontology-Based Acu-Point Knowledge System YAN-PING CHIYAN-PING CHI、Chang, Chingwei conference web page(475)
2007 Examining the Influence of Occupational Therapy and Its Effectiveness in Long-Term Care on Dementia Patients Through Ontology-Based Clustering YAN-PING CHIYAN-PING CHI、Change, Chingwei conference web page(463)
2008 Analyzing job performance structural model using decision making trail and evaluation laboratory technique Fang, C.H.、Chen, G.L.、Hung, Hsu Feng、洪敘峰 conference web page(550)
2008 Practices make perfect market - a case study on sustaining an active e-auction market Ou, Su-Hua、歐素華 conference web page(745)
2008 Robust design and innovation diffusion a contextual analysis Chen, Huifen、陳蕙芬 conference web page(433)
2008 Mapping technological trajectory as patent analysis and delphi investigation Lee, Peichun、Su, Hsinning、PEI CHUN LEE conference web page(562)
2008 Speed-to-fashion: Managing global supply chain in zara RUEY-LIN HSIAO conference web page(722)
2008-10 Efficient Processing of Probabilistic Spatio-temporal Range Queries over Moving Objects LIANG-PEI CHEN、Chung, Bruce S.E.、Lee, Wang-Chien、Chen, Arbee L.P. conference pdf(343)
2001 NBEN 與 TANet 多路由網路系統的規劃與建置 劉大川、陳昌盛、陳官辰 conference pdf(391)
2001 Services mapping between Diffserv architecture and ATM Lai, Chi-Ping、Tang, Cheng-Yuan、Chang, Wei-Shyh conference pdf(184)
2001 從Code Red癱瘓學術網路看校園網路主機管理問題 陳伯榆 conference pdf(233)
2001 Intrusion Detection: a Network View 林鳳銘、吳守豪、TSAI-YEN LI conference pdf(320)
2001 TANet台北區網ISP ATM VC訊務的量測與分析 楊素秋、曾黎明 conference pdf(231)
2001 HTTP與FTP訊務在TANET 骨幹上的分析與監控 劉人豪、洪正雄、張展肇、侯廷昭 conference pdf(324)
2001 網路交通即時監測與分析系統之發展─以雲嘉區網骨幹量測 文志超、蔡尚育、陳明仁 conference pdf(318)
2001 ADSL Proxy Server 建置與管理 范修維、廖鴻圖、邱孟佑、伍啟錄 conference pdf(604)
2001 The Deployment Experience and Survey of the Cooperative Caching Proxy Server Tseng, Jann-Perng conference pdf(402)
2001 多條連外線路的對稱式路由策略 陳振庸、王鵬程、李乾麟、張永昌、柯守全 conference pdf(420)
2002 SONET 網路傳訊品質與UDP/ICMP 訊務的迴歸相關分析 楊素秋、曾黎明 conference pdf(233)
2002 台灣學術網路上因果次序之群組通訊協定實作與測試 溫照成、郭文亮 conference pdf(129)
2002 Internet Streaming Media UDP-based 訊務的量測 楊素秋、陳應南、曾黎明 conference pdf(269)