All Of Publications(Limit:Proceedings、2010-2019)

Showing 1-25 of 4592
日期 題名 Author Type Full Text(downloads)
2010 Partial Response Maximum Likelihood Sequence Detector for a Nonlinear Magnetic Recording Channel Kao, Tsai-Sheng 、 Chen, Chiu-Hsiung 、 Chen, Sheng-Chih 、 Hou, Sheng-Yun 、 Chang, Yuan-Chang 、 Chou, Xsing-Bang conference
2010 數位內容設計與互動教育中促發想像力之因子與教學策略 陳聖智 conference
2010 從設計思考與數位敘事觀點分析不同媒介訊息承載--新聞性格初探 陳聖智 conference
2010 人與空間的互動:從空間的向度性看影像思考與想像 陳聖智 conference
2010 以感測實驗與數位敘事作為數位內容傳播之途徑--以互動科技為例 陳聖智 conference
2011-07 To create a digital community communication model in a risky society: A case study of an indigenous community in Taiwan 孫曼蘋 conference
2011-09 數位部落傳播之實驗—以大鳥部落八八水災重建之參與為例 孫曼蘋 conference
2011-12 數位敘事 部落發聲 —大鳥部落災後重建個案之初探 孫曼蘋 conference
2010-08 俄羅斯與中國觀點之分析 魏百谷Wei, Bai-Ku conference pdf(1068)
2011 新媒介互動式數位典藏與導覽平台之開發 陳聖智、林士淵、陳泓均、吳采靜、吳昕儒 conference
2011 個人創造力、城市創新環境與藝術節品牌影響之研究 蔡宜倪、陳聖智、吳靜吉 conference
2010-07 Subjective tags and its implications on information indexin 吳筱玫 conference
2010-07 多元文化下的社區傳播:從下而上、從上而下的參與 孫曼蘋 conference
2010-09 Let the voiceless indigenous people be heard and seen: A pilot study of creating a digital community communication model in Taiwan 孫曼蘋 conference
2013-05 再論選區服務與立法問政:選制改革前後的比較 盛杏湲 conference
2013-04 Determinants for Reelection: A Comparison between Taiwanese Old and New Electoral Systems 盛杏湲 conference
2010-06 半總統制與民主學術研討會, 台灣大學政治系/中央研究院政治學研究所籌備處 嚴震生 conference
2012-05 政黨、選區與立委在兩岸關係上的國會立法 盛杏湲、廖育嶒 conference
2011-05 臺灣政黨在立法院的運作 盛杏湲、蔡韻竹 conference
2011-05 企業型政治的議程設定與立法產出 盛杏湲Sheng, Shing-Yuan conference
2012-12 政黨在立法院的合作與對立:1996-2011的觀察 盛杏湲 conference
2011-04 The eye movement patterns in viewing Chinese affective pictures Lee, C. N.、Yang, T. H、Chang, Y. Y.、Tseng, P. C.、Yen, N. S.顏乃欣 conference
2011-01 Affective Picture Processing and Emotion Regulation: Brain Potentials and Eye Movement Patterns 顏乃欣Yen, N. S. conference
2010-06 Social Dilemma studies 陳皎眉、孫旻暐、邱蜀娟、Chen,Jeaw-Mei conference pdf(769)
2012-09 The Anticipated Risk Factor in Error Monitoring System: A FRN Study Chang, Y. F.、顏乃欣Yen, N. S. conference